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horny guy-friend ...

girl with a friend ...

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girl with a friend ...

Um... ya, so this horny guy-friend keeps flirting with me ... he complains of not being able to find the girl who would be his type at his college ... and keeps talking about how he's working out to build up his muscle, and how he wants to show it to me, etc etc i suggested jokingly that he should make a flier, so that i can maybe find someone for him ... to which he said that i should try the "product" myself before giving it to others ... is he offering a casual-sex relationship? what the hell does he want? and how should I act around him?... thanks; good luck to all.

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1. "is he offering a casual-sex relationship?"


At this point, he is only offering you a test drive of his sexual hardware.


2. "what the hell does he want?"


He wants to get into your pants. DUH??? He wants you to help him build his "muscle" even more!!! Do you have to ask this everytime a guy comes onto you?


3. "and how should I act around him?"


Act horny and eager if you would like to go to bed with him...and act indifferent if that's not on your agenda.


This is not a keeper kind of guy, not now anyway. But if you are wanting a sexual partner, he couldn't make it any more clear to you. He's quite right...you probably should try the "product" before recommending it to others. I mean, you know, that's the ethical thing to do.


And don't believe that crap he says about not being able to find his type of girl at college. He will never, ever in his life be more in the right place for what he's looking for than in college. He probably has a different girl every night...but he wants you because you aren't giving in so easily as the others.


Where did you find this guy?

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girl with a friend ...

Thanks for such a quick response.


The thing is, he's a smart guy & we're good friends, and i don't want this issue to interfere. I guess I'll try to pass it off jokingly ... i agree that he's being pathetic - ANY college has the biggest variety of both sluts & normal girls ... he has told me before that he "just can't bring himself to simply use a girl for sex" ... GEE...


Anyway, i'll just be careful around him until he drops the issue.



1. "is he offering a casual-sex relationship?"


At this point, he is only offering you a test drive of his sexual hardware. 2. "what the hell does he want?"


He wants to get into your pants. DUH??? He wants you to help him build his "muscle" even more!!! Do you have to ask this everytime a guy comes onto you? 3. "and how should I act around him?"


Act horny and eager if you would like to go to bed with him...and act indifferent if that's not on your agenda. This is not a keeper kind of guy, not now anyway. But if you are wanting a sexual partner, he couldn't make it any more clear to you. He's quite right...you probably should try the "product" before recommending it to others. I mean, you know, that's the ethical thing to do. And don't believe that crap he says about not being able to find his type of girl at college. He will never, ever in his life be more in the right place for what he's looking for than in college. He probably has a different girl every night...but he wants you because you aren't giving in so easily as the others. Where did you find this guy?

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I have a few guy friends like this. When he makes another comment, don't "pass it off jokingly". That just makes him think you find it amusing and he will continue to do so.


The next time he says something, let him know that you're disgusted by his comment. You can just tell him not to talk to you in that manner, or tell him you don't find it funny, or say that it was unappropriate.


And if he's such a smart guy and good friend of yours, he'll be more than happy to make sure he's not disrespecting you or making you feel uncomfortable anymore.

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You're right - I should simply cut it off next time he gets unrespectful ...


I guess the thruth is I'm not experienced, and a casual relationship does seem appealing - in the sense that I get some "hand-on" fun, but no commitment stuff ... but I guess doing that with a friend is just a no-good idea.


Thanks a lot. :)

I have a few guy friends like this. When he makes another comment, don't "pass it off jokingly". That just makes him think you find it amusing and he will continue to do so. The next time he says something, let him know that you're disgusted by his comment. You can just tell him not to talk to you in that manner, or tell him you don't find it funny, or say that it was unappropriate. And if he's such a smart guy and good friend of yours, he'll be more than happy to make sure he's not disrespecting you or making you feel uncomfortable anymore.
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Um... ya, so this horny guy-friend keeps flirting with me ... he complains of not being able to find the girl who would be his type at his college ... and keeps talking about how he's working out to build up his muscle, and how he wants to show it to me, etc etc i suggested jokingly that he should make a flier, so that i can maybe find someone for him ... to which he said that i should try the "product" myself before giving it to others ... is he offering a casual-sex relationship? what the hell does he want? and how should I act around him?... thanks; good luck to all.
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