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I need some serious help please!

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Hello I am new to this site and from what I can see it is very informative and a great place, I’m glad I found it, but anyway on to my problem. Sorry about the length of this. Ok here goes, I am 20 and she is 21, she will be 22 in November. Well me and her started off by talking on Yahoo, she lives about 300 miles away, about 4 hours, and it started off as just talking a little bit and we have only known each other for about 2 months. At the time she had a boyfriend but he ended up sleeping with another girl and really hurt her, so now she is single. It is kind of amazing how we met though; she never goes into chat rooms and I was about to give up on them to but just by chance or luck or something more we met somehow. Out of all the chat rooms and all the people in them we are the ones that started talking.


As we talked we just kept talking for longer and longer until were talking for about 5-6 hours on yahoo then I went on vacation and since we could not talk on Yahoo we talked on the phone; doing that we were able to grow much closer. We have grown so close and are still doing so, on average we talk 5-6 hours a day every single day. Here is the thing I have never felt this way before about a girl and she feels the same cause she is always saying how much I mean to her and I know she means it.


Well I have gotten to know here so well and she has been hurt so many times and after her dad passed away a few years back she has had boyfriends that have treated her like crap and because of that it is just so hard for her to get close to someone. We have gotten so close so fast it would literally make your head spin. We talk about anything and everything; nothing is uncomfortable to talk about. I know things about her that no one else does and vice versa for her.


Just the other day I met this girl at my college and we started talking and from that I realized that what me and she has is just so special and I cannot feel this way about any other girl. I told her that I had met this girl and she stated crying so hard, I even cried (I never cry). After that I then truly realized that I love her and I want to be with her. I started to feel this agonizing pain in my chest because I thought I was going to lose her; I still feel it this morning. I just can not hurt her and will not do that to her. On the other hand I feel like the only way our relationship can grow closer is to see each other and she agrees. I can really see spending the rest of my life with her and I am not scared to say it either. I know I'm young but I think that I have found that special someone that I am supposed to be with.


I want to say that I love her, but that is just something that I think needs to be said face to face with each other and not on the phone. However I feel like I need to say it. I have hinted at it and I think she knows but I am not sure because she hasn’t had anyone that has truly loved her. This is just eating me up inside and I don’t know what to do. Please help me, any advice at all I would greatly appreciate. Thank you for your time to sit and read this long long problem.

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