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how to play it

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I have been loosely seeing this girl about 2 hours away from where I live for the past month or so. It is not serious,nor are we officially dating, but we talk over email almost once a day and maybe talk on the phone once a week. I have seen her 3 times, and our last "date" went great, but at the end she got into this thing about how there are still issues with her ex (of 3 months). Also, I think she might have mentioned that she was kinda seeing someone else as well; but she said she talks to me the most. Thus, after a decent make-out session, I got stopped in my tracks. I really like her, but I am unsure how to play the whole situation. Should I turn up the heat or continue to play it casual? Any advice would help. Thanks


The Gman

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are you the man i have been seeing LOL. I am seeing a person about 2 hours away, have seen him 3 times and talk on a daily basis with this person via IM,and have issues with my ex.. that is so weird. I don't think i ever said i was dating other people though. what exactly did she say?? Although we all say we don't like people who play games, lets face it we all do to a point. Although i am just taking a stab at this, maybe she was "feeling you out", maybe she is afraid to initiate making more of it, maybe she is waiting for you.You know telling a guy you like him too quickly has sent them running to the hills in my experience. If i were you I would tell her that you like her and turn up the heat JUST A BIT. Too much heat will definitly get her running YET if you play it too casual she might not think you really like her. I really need more info to help you with this. but i tried.

I have been loosely seeing this girl about 2 hours away from where I live for the past month or so. It is not serious,nor are we officially dating, but we talk over email almost once a day and maybe talk on the phone once a week. I have seen her 3 times, and our last "date" went great, but at the end she got into this thing about how there are still issues with her ex (of 3 months). Also, I think she might have mentioned that she was kinda seeing someone else as well; but she said she talks to me the most. Thus, after a decent make-out session, I got stopped in my tracks. I really like her, but I am unsure how to play the whole situation. Should I turn up the heat or continue to play it casual? Any advice would help. Thanks The Gman
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Well, thanks Danielle for the advice. If your name really is Danielle, then I don;t think I'm your man (LOL) Anway, what was said was essentially that she has been talking with the ex and needs to sort out some feelings to be fair to me, although they are not getting back together...it sounds though like that may exactly be what he is trying to do (or maybe even her). Anyway, I am curious to know how you are approaching this similar situation from a female's perspective. Let me know


The Gman

GMan, are you the man i have been seeing LOL. I am seeing a person about 2 hours away, have seen him 3 times and talk on a daily basis with this person via IM,and have issues with my ex.. that is so weird. I don't think i ever said i was dating other people though. what exactly did she say?? Although we all say we don't like people who play games, lets face it we all do to a point. Although i am just taking a stab at this, maybe she was "feeling you out", maybe she is afraid to initiate making more of it, maybe she is waiting for you.You know telling a guy you like him too quickly has sent them running to the hills in my experience. If i were you I would tell her that you like her and turn up the heat JUST A BIT. Too much heat will definitly get her running YET if you play it too casual she might not think you really like her. I really need more info to help you with this. but i tried.
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no my name is not Danielle, but now are situations are different. LOL (I HATE MY EX and it was certainly longer than three months.)It sounds that she must have really liked this guy to have to sort feelings out after three months, it sounds that she could be on the rebound. ALthough I don't know all of the circumstances, and i hate to say this but it sounds like an exuse to me.. I can't see how you would have to sort feelings out after 3 months of dating someone, but that might just be me. I definitely would not just play it casual, turn up the heat just a bit, but if you don't get the reaction you are looking for......move on. hope that is of some help

Well, thanks Danielle for the advice. If your name really is Danielle, then I don;t think I'm your man (LOL) Anway, what was said was essentially that she has been talking with the ex and needs to sort out some feelings to be fair to me, although they are not getting back together...it sounds though like that may exactly be what he is trying to do (or maybe even her). Anyway, I am curious to know how you are approaching this similar situation from a female's perspective. Let me know The Gman
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Actually, the relationship was for 2 1/2 years, the breakup has been for 3 months...so it might be valid...who knows...I'll see what comes of it. It may be tough to compete with the ex if he's pressing. Thanks again


The Gman

Gman, no my name is not Danielle, but now are situations are different. LOL (I HATE MY EX and it was certainly longer than three months.)It sounds that she must have really liked this guy to have to sort feelings out after three months, it sounds that she could be on the rebound. ALthough I don't know all of the circumstances, and i hate to say this but it sounds like an exuse to me.. I can't see how you would have to sort feelings out after 3 months of dating someone, but that might just be me. I definitely would not just play it casual, turn up the heat just a bit, but if you don't get the reaction you are looking for......move on. hope that is of some help
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