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What's going on with my b/f?

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I've been 2gether with my boyfriend for almost 2 years ( In november).We've had the PERFECT relationship..well not perfect but to me and him it was... And lately since last Friday he's been acting like a jerk and acting distant and not calling or emailing as much. ( We're in a long-distance relationship). I brought it up and he said sorry and he feels bad that I Feel like we're drifting apart..well we're still together and he calls and emails me more but he's acting like we've been together a week or two not 2 YEARS. He's like ' so how's life treating you?' Um, you'd know I've been with you for 2 YEARS. Did you HIT YOUR HEAD ON A ROCK OR SOMETHING?.. I'm just like WHAT HAPPENED?..I love u and want you to be my husband one day...Why are you acting like it's no big deal all of a sudden . It's like he forgot what I meant to him and what we've been through together and the happy moments we've cherished..when I confronted him I meant that I wanted us to be together like we always have been not start over fresh..and he's not even the same guy anymore. It's like he has skitzophrenia<sp?> or amnesia. He doesn't treat me like he used to..we're not even a fraction of how close we used to be to eachother..I'm not even sure I want to be his GIRLFRIEND anymore, especially not his wife one day. It's like we're not even the same people. I want it to go back to the way we were. Has anyone gone through this before or is it just me? I am SO confused with him right now? Does anyone know what could be going on with him?..or have u been in this situation before? Post back plz.

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All i can really say on this one is..LDR's can be very very hard and sadly they can totally fizzle out or die down abit. Me my mum and sister always say the first two years are normally the "honeymoon" stage! And after that things tend to die down, in any kind of relationship. So could it just be that your past the "everything is perfect" stage and hit reality? That no relationship is perfect? I think thats what it may be. But regardless you must TALK to him and tell him how you feel. Be honest! If he cant respect your honesty then hes not for you anyway.


Good luck!

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