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Has anyone seen a psychologist as a result of a toxic relationship?

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My old relationship feels to have permanently damaged me mentally. I have tried my hardest to heal myself but I am at a point now where I need professional help.


Has anyone done this? How useful was it?

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I saw a therapist for years after breaking up with an abusive and toxic ex. Actually, I started seeing her while we were still wrapped up in things and saw her through the 3 years (!) it took me to break free. I was also on medication for a year, because I stopped taking care of myself, stayed home all the time and cried while watching tv. It helped me a lot because she made me see some things I hadn't thought of and because I could talk to her endlessly about it and she had to listen. Unlike my friends, who probably wanted to shoot me after a while.


I started seeing a new therapist about 2 months ago and she has been great. We're fairly close in age, she's very off the cuff about things (she drops f bombs from time to time) and I feel like I would like her if I met her somewhere else. She's probably a better fit for me right now than my last therapist was.


Therapy has been a life saver for me -- I think you absolutely should try if you feel like you're struggling to cope on your own.

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I got into some therapy after a bitter divorce and then a series of failed relationships, and it was very helpful.



I'd say go for it.



Good luck x

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Yes, I did.

I experienced a sudden breakup which I wasn't expecting at all.

Got dumped for her ex, from one day to another.

I was feeling hopeless and worthless.

After a few weeks from the breakup, since I couldn't manage to get better on my own, I started therapy.

It helped me out, I started seeing things from another perspective, helped me with my self esteem, and helped me to realize that it wasn't all my fault and I wasn't as worthless as I thought.

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