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Important Relationship Question

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Ok folks, let me start off this long story. Im 17 years old and go to an all boys high school. This year, I met some guys who are now my "group" that i hang out with. They've known this really beautiful girl, we'll call her Jane, for a long time. They never tried to go after her because since forever she was goin with this big badass pot head guy. They'e been through it all, Jane and this guy, they've had sex god knows how many times. I met this girl about 5 months ago, very casual thing. By this time, they were no longer "goin out" but were still screwing like rabbits. Anyway, make a long story short, she has grown to really like me and im her best friend. She tells me everything. She knows I want to go out with her, yet she doesnt discourage me and kinda keeps it in the open whether shes interested. Meanwhile, the pot head guy is still screwing her but shes not dating him. She actually apparently doesnt care all that much for him and they are very back and forth. She is very open sexually. Her mother was 3 months pregnant with her at her high school graduation and yes, the father married her mom and they are very happy. They have another child, a younger son. Anyway, this girl is really hot and really is the perfect woman in my opinion. She really cares about me and I care about her. My affinity of her annoys my friends that introduced me to her. Anyway, heres my question. Is this girl gonna keep screwing around with the pot head until she gets pregnant, or will she see that he is a loser and hook up with me? Thanks for reading, please respond, I appreciate it.

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YOU WRITE: "Anyway, heres my question. Is this girl gonna keep screwing around with the pot head until she gets pregnant, or will she see that he is a loser and hook up with me?"


You have obviously mistaken this site for the Psychic Friends Network. But I don't even think a good psychic could answer your question. I don't think you lady friend can answer either.


She obviously enjoys the sex enough not to want to bother with seeing you or anybody else on a romantic basis. Usually, when people break up but continue having sex they do so out of having their needs met and they don't stop until someone else comes along they may be interested in.


She may be leading you on but she's not interested enough to quit her sexual involvement with the other guy. She also doesn't mind being with a criminal. Possession and use of marijuana is against the law.


My recommendation is that you just straight out tell her you are interested in dating her but that you couldn't do that while she is involved in any way other than friends with her ex...plain and simple. You will quickly find out what her position is by her answer and her actions.


For your information, children very often follow the behavior of their parents in many odd ways. This may have worked out OK for her mother and father but what she is doing is an almost sure-fire way of screwing up her life.


Frankly, I don't think she's got the smarts you need for a mate. She may be knock-down gorgeous but her morals, intelligency, judgement and maturity are seriously lacking.


My suggestion is you go find a girl with more brains than libido, get to know her, and get yourself a nice, healthy relationship. I also urge you to get to know many ladies. You have a number of years to have fun before you will be emotionally and financially ready for the great responsibilities of marriage and parenthood. In your later years, you will give great thanks for not tying yourself down with marriage at an early age.


For my money, you ought to give this lady your blessing and hope it's this other guy who gets her pregnant if that's what she's wanting. And my bet also is that he wouldn't marry her or pay her child support. He's a dud...and, like I said, she is sadly lacking in the gray matter and morals department.


Now, go find yourself a girl you can be proud of and stop judging women on whether they are gorgeous or average looking. An average looking lady will likely treat you lots better, especially at your age. An ugly one is likely to make you happiest.

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thanks dude, i appreciate it. Im giving up on her

YOU WRITE: "Anyway, heres my question. Is this girl gonna keep screwing around with the pot head until she gets pregnant, or will she see that he is a loser and hook up with me?"


You have obviously mistaken this site for the Psychic Friends Network. But I don't even think a good psychic could answer your question. I don't think you lady friend can answer either.


She obviously enjoys the sex enough not to want to bother with seeing you or anybody else on a romantic basis. Usually, when people break up but continue having sex they do so out of having their needs met and they don't stop until someone else comes along they may be interested in. She may be leading you on but she's not interested enough to quit her sexual involvement with the other guy. She also doesn't mind being with a criminal. Possession and use of marijuana is against the law. My recommendation is that you just straight out tell her you are interested in dating her but that you couldn't do that while she is involved in any way other than friends with her ex...plain and simple. You will quickly find out what her position is by her answer and her actions. For your information, children very often follow the behavior of their parents in many odd ways. This may have worked out OK for her mother and father but what she is doing is an almost sure-fire way of screwing up her life. Frankly, I don't think she's got the smarts you need for a mate. She may be knock-down gorgeous but her morals, intelligency, judgement and maturity are seriously lacking. My suggestion is you go find a girl with more brains than libido, get to know her, and get yourself a nice, healthy relationship. I also urge you to get to know many ladies. You have a number of years to have fun before you will be emotionally and financially ready for the great responsibilities of marriage and parenthood. In your later years, you will give great thanks for not tying yourself down with marriage at an early age. For my money, you ought to give this lady your blessing and hope it's this other guy who gets her pregnant if that's what she's wanting. And my bet also is that he wouldn't marry her or pay her child support. He's a dud...and, like I said, she is sadly lacking in the gray matter and morals department. Now, go find yourself a girl you can be proud of and stop judging women on whether they are gorgeous or average looking. An average looking lady will likely treat you lots better, especially at your age. An ugly one is likely to make you happiest.

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