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how to gain non sex female friends?

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The women I want to be friends with only (no sex) are rare.

But when you try to get closer, they suspect the guy wants sex. Who can blame them.


It tends to make semi attractive women defensive and non attractive women hope for more than friendship.


How the hell (short of being gay) does a guy befriend gals?

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It's hard for most guys. Some guys have loads of lady friends and even go so far as to fix them up with other guys, proving he's not sexualy into her himself.


For most of us I think it's controlled by the women, as to how far things go.

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i know what you mean, man, i used to get on famously with girls in primary school and that (maybe because we were forced to sit boy/girl/boy/girl) but in high school i had enough trouble making male friends to worry about anything else - i don't know whether they think i'm arrogant because of my 'shyness' which has at least gotten better.


I think the answer could be to just talk to them as often as possible, approach girls that you know (or even ones you don't...) if you see them in the street, with a smile and a wave. That sort of thing, i reckon, not that i'm an expert, as mentioned above...;)

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Hi MR gages,


Yup, it's tricky. I befriended a lady I didn't find very sexy. In rare moments I could see a slightly sexy side of her, but put it out of my mind. She was a decent friend and I didn't want to muck it up with sex.


After maybe 2 years she made a play for me. I ran the other way and hurt her feelings. Hindsight... refusing her ended the friendship anyway, so I should have done her. Of course that would muck things up.


I had another friend, eventually I made a play for her, and she was very angry for it.


But, female friends are worth it. The look at things differently, I enjoy their perspective and have learned some things about life.

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Sometimes the best advice is motherly advice no matter what you may think. Mine is far away, but I knew that was the only way I could build a relationship with her. I sent her off on a trip to find some peace and a little time away from emotional and environmental attachments. Then, I have been calling her since to build her back up and reassure to her that I love her. I think it is starting to work, but I cannot get her to stop answering the phone with "What do you want?" I told her bluntly that its time she find some peace and clear her mind. Because it is then she can give me advice. So I go to my best friend's mother, and she is just as sweet as mine. I later get a message from out of the blue, "Hey, its your friend the Prick. My mom told me your going through tough times, call me." Obviously, he is not a female, but one thing you cannot discount is that his marriage has lasted through every disaster. If he has a wife, so surely he can give sound advice about women, right?

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I have several close female friends, and the majority are women I've dated and/or slept with. Maybe that's the ticket? The deed's already been done so maybe the sexual tension is decreased.


Having female friends is a good thing. I can usually talk to the closest ones about pretty much anything, and they're good to solicit advice from (e.g. "what would you think if a guy said/did such-and-such...").

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Having female friends is a good thing. I can usually talk to the closest ones about pretty much anything, and they're good to solicit advice from (e.g. "what would you think if a guy said/did such-and-such...").


I agree. I have several close female friends, some I have slept with, others I haven't. I think women naturally have their guards up because men are constantly trying to sleep with them. If you have no interest in them sexually, you have to meet them in situations that aren't "date-like" until the questions of whether or not you want to sleep with them disappear and they view you as a friend. But be sure you're not kidding yourself into believing you don't want to sleep with them because they can smell that a mile away.

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How the hell (short of being gay) does a guy befriend gals?


Can't be done! One always gets hot for the other, which is why I won't get close to females unless I want something more than friendship. Anything less, forget it.

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