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does she love me

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My girl emails me sometimes and at the end she puts: hearts, roses..but never writes Love..


WHat do all these roses and hearts mean?


Is it a way for her to say she loves me, but she is not brave enought to use the word?

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She's probably not ready to use the "L" word. I think you're better off with her than with other people who use the word rather freely without much meaning behind it.


If you're really curious, ask her sometime. But it sounds like using those assorted endearments is much better than if she put "sincerely" at the end of the email.

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no way! there is no subsitute for the words i love you. i don't know how long you've been seeing this girl however if she hasn't said i love you the maybe she is just not ready.

My girl emails me sometimes and at the end she puts: hearts, roses..but never writes Love..


WHat do all these roses and hearts mean?


Is it a way for her to say she loves me, but she is not brave enought to use the word?

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Just because your girlfriend puts hearts and roses on her emails, I wouldn't say she definitely is in love with you. A lot of girls will put little designs in their notes to be cutesie. I would wait until she actually says the words.

My girl emails me sometimes and at the end she puts: hearts, roses..but never writes Love..


WHat do all these roses and hearts mean?


Is it a way for her to say she loves me, but she is not brave enought to use the word?

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