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How to deal with a woman scorned!

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And, by the way, if my son raped a child and was now a predator taking advantage of young women at 32 years old, he would not be living in my house. Bad behaviors deserve consequences. He made his mess, he can figure out how to live with it but not under my roof. I might still love him, but I would not accept or support his bad behavior or allow him to bring strange women around my grandson and be an enabler.

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From what I was told.... when their son was about 3 they broke up and she moved away and left the child with him. Not sure why or any details. I do know that the child’s mother is back in town, married with 3 other kids and she does see their son. He goes to her house and visits



Boy, there isn't very much that could be done to me that would cause me to leave my child behind unless of course, there was some significant abuse. It's not an excuse, but it's a likely reason for her to do that. Watch yourself with this guy for signs of abusiveness . . .


Beyond that, though, I hope she is in the process now at least of getting custody of him. I doubt she'd have too much trouble given he's a rapist/predator.

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I’m not sure. He told me that she met someone who made her choose. And she chose to leave her child and go be with the new guy. But that’s what he told me idk

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I’m not sure. He told me that she met someone who made her choose. And she chose to leave her child and go be with the new guy. But that’s what he told me idk


If that’s true, it’s truly heartbreaking. That’s poor kid.

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I’m not sure honestly. I don’t know the full story. I just know she left the state and now she’s back but she’s married with other children but she still sees him

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I’m curious Emily, and I ask this sincerely...


Have we given you any food for thought? Have you considered any of the things we have said and thought about your relationship with this man? Are you still bound and determined to stand by your man or have you reconsidered this relationship in any way...

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Pretty confused honestly.

He didn’t do a Vday post for us and I was thinking normally if couples have Been dating forever they stop not couples who should be in their honeymoon stage.... and he’s always using his whats app. All day. Idk who gesctakking to.

Just a lot of things that bother me.

The ex bothers me so much.... idk why..... I think the scorned one bothers me cause I feel he does secretly miss her. Or he’s going to start.

Idk how I feel. It’s like would his family really cover for him? Does he really love his ex secretly

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I can’t answer that question for you. Honestly, I would be VERY concerned if he was tied to his phone and talking on whats app all day. You do have to wonder - who is he talking to? What has he actually done to earn your loyalty and your trust?

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The fact that he dumped this gorgeous girl he had around for years makes me feel like he really wants to be with me

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You cannot rely on that.

Relationships are complicated. They have a long history together, you can't compete with that.

That is why it is always best to steer clear of people with exes still hanging around.

Yes you can get into a competition and declare yourself the winner, but not much of a win if you are always looking over your shoulder for his ex and other women.

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Yeah he told her and me that he can’t be with her because of their history together. He always says “we have too much history” and it confuses me because I though history makes people closer

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Bad history doesn't though. I guess his "misdemeanour" hasn't helped his cause.

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What do you mean? If their history is so bad idk why they still look for each other then.

He claims it’s always been bad. He told me if she didn’t act crazy they would be together but she’s “psycho” then I told him “you stayed with her for awhile” and he said “yeah cause.......” and literally had nothing to say.

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It happens here all the time, people get addicted to people who are supposedly mad, bad, crazy and dangerous to know...


I guess this guy, with his "psycho" ex and his obsession with whatsapp and him checking out your friends, will send you a little "loco" too.

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Think about people who are married and in abusive relationships. They fight, they cheat, they are on again off again... the relationship is not good or healthy but they can not let each other go.


Bad history will certainly bond people together, in a very different way. They may sometimes feel like they were meant to be, it just never seems to work out... so, they come and go from each other’s lives, drawn to each other to see if they can somehow make it work, but then something happens and they break it off... But, there is often unfinished business. This keeps that person in their life, and prevents the other from truly moving on...

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Yeah I don’t appreciate a comment on of his friends made. He said to him “I thought you were gonna get your Life to get i thought you were gonna be with this girl (scorned) and you were gonna get your life together” ugh they treat her like she’s his savior. Like no one else could be good for him

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"Like no one else could be good for him"


He isn't good for anyone . . .

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I was just pointing out her pedestal. The one she sits high up on

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She deserves to be put up on a pedestal . . . a guy she spent 5 or 6 years with, raped a child and went to jail. She didn't do anything wrong. She waited for him apparently and tried to help him and the family. And, she was doing that all the way up until she found out he was cheating on her again with a 20 year old after he got out of prison and after she stuck by him apparently. Even his friends can empathize with her. She's humiliated and hurting and deserves support. She's been dissed to the maximum degree by this guy. Even his friends understand that he doesn't deserve their loyalty. They aren't going to support some 20 year old girl he's just started "dating" (although dating is not the right word because it is way less than that).


On top of being a child rapist, it appears he's a cheater too. You're the next scorned one, Emily. Trust me. He will throw you away like a used Kleenex and he'll be calling you crazy and poison. That's what guys like him do when he disrespects a woman and she reacts in any way at all no matter how justified her reaction is. She has righteous reason for her behavior. In this case, it is totally and completely understandable that she would go off the way she has, although, it's not healthy for her. I hope she can find some peace soon. She deserves it. My heart breaks for what she's been through.

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On top of being a child rapist, it appears he's a cheater too. You're the next scorned one, Emily. Trust me.


That's what guys like him do when he disrespects a woman.


I absolutely agree. It is only a matter of time before his ex takes him back, or someone else comes along... he may already be chatting her up on whats app all day. ;)


This man has no respect for women. If he did, he wouldn’t treat them as something to be used and thrown away... Sadly, it seems there is more than one woman lining up to be used and abused by this guy...

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I am praying that the scorned one doesn't get back together with this guy. She's been through so much already and she needs help, I'd say, if she does get back with him.


It's one thing for a young, 20 year old girl to be lied to and used by a 32 year dirty old man because she doesn't know any better but it's another thing if a woman closer to his age stays with him after all this.

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Have you actually done your research to find out the truth about his case? The reason why he went to prison should be a matter of public record. This is a 32yr old man, what age did he think the girl was?


As I mentioned before why are you bothered about him liking your friends photos on social media when you had them dance for him their underwear! Now he has a video to stare at whenever he wants and why would he think you would care about photos.


As for his family liking you and not her, but not following you on social media. Didn't you say earlier that his family are friends with the ex? The thing is it doesn't matter, social media simply doesn't matter that much to rational adults.


I honestly find it hard to believe you're as naive as you sound in your posts. Do your research, find out who this man really is and speak to your dad. If you were really proud to be with him then you wouldn't be hiding it.

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Have you actually done your research to find out the truth about his case? The reason why he went to prison should be a matter of public record. This is a 32yr old man, what age did he think the girl was?<snip>


Ive stated SEVERAL times that his family does not like his ex over and over. She wasn’t even allowed in the house eventually. I’ve said that PLENTY of times.

And it’s hard to believe an ex who seems bitter over a break up when everyone who surrounds him doesn’t know think highly of her. At all. I am not ashamed I just know the judgement would come. My dads too over protective

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