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So I was hanging out with this guy and he was definitely interested in me but something happened and now he hates me. I'm not going to go into the details but I did send him three text messages after he basically said he didn't want to hang out anymore. The first text basically was me asking him what happened and that I deserve to know what happened. He never responded to that text, lol. So then I sent him ANOTHER text the next day and said something like wow, that's pretty messed up that you didn't reply and I also said "I don't know what I did to get you all salty". He never replied to that one either. And then! I send another text a couple days later saying something funny like "I hope that when you're about to listen to a song on youtube a 30 second ad comes on that you can't skip" I thought it was funny but he didn't cuz he still didn't respond. So yea I sent him a total of three texts and I feel embarrassed for sending the last one. So did I act like super crazy and weird or was that just borderline crazy? Cuz I feel like there are girls out there who would have sent more and sent like long paragraphs which I didn't. I mean I just wanted an explanation and I was confused and hurting.

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I wouldn’t say crazy but certainly not together. Do you really have no clue as to why he cut you off so abruptly? How long were you together?

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It all comes down to the part you're not telling us. If it was you slept with his best friend or you killed his favorite dog and drained his bank account then yes. You are acting crazy.


If it was that you ordered your steak medium well on your last date then yeah you're not acting crazy. He's just being a prick and not responding.

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So since you refused to give any sort of context I"m merely going to answer to the question at hand "Yes you did act CRAZY"

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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I think many of us have blown up someone's phone with voice or text when they are in a state of confusion like this. You're not the first and you won't be the last to do so. Delete his number and forgive yourself.

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so are you saying what I said was mean?? fine I will tell you what happened: we had a project together and we'd meet up at his house every so often to work on it. every time we got together the feelings got stronger. we cuddled, we flirted, i laid in his bed with him. until one night we were cuddling and i guess he wanted to sleep with me and im stupid and didn't read the signal. his feelings were hurt because he didn't think i was interested even though I was. i mean i stayed at this guys house until 2 am sometimes scratching his back. I was so sad when he he basically didn't want to be even friends anymore and he said he didn't want to cuddle anymore. so i was super hurt and sent those messages. but now i feel bad

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OP, I don't think this guy was really your friend to begin with. If he was, he wouldn't be pouting that you didn't sleep with him. That says a lot about what he was really after. I don't like that he is angry at you for that reason.


You didn't act crazy, per se, but when someone is clearly ignoring you - you stop contacting them. You shouldn't then continue to try to get their attention with more messages.


But really, your texts after he got upset are not he real issue here. I think you need to ask yourself why you're chasing a guy who iced you out after you didn't have sex with him.

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It wasn't your finest moment but it wasn't all that terrible as long as you just leave it alone going forward

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So did I act like super crazy and weird or was that just borderline crazy? Cuz I feel like there are girls out there who would have sent more and sent like long paragraphs which I didn't



Rest assured that no matter how crazy you might be there's always somebody even worse.

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