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How Important Is It For A Man To Open Up?

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How important is it to women for their boyfriend or husband to open up about their feelings? Has it ever been a big problem when your boyfriend does not tell you things that you think he should have told you?


Is lack of communication grounds for a breakup?

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It's more about us knowing where we stand with you and feeling like we are the only woman in your life. We don't want to guess.

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Agree with BC1980. Also I personally like being with someone able to be affectionate, capable of open communication, emotional intimacy, sharing thoughts & feelings, consistent behavior and honesty, reliability, consistency. I know it’s a tall order :D but I hope an order most men should thrive to achieve if they want their women happy.


With all the above it’s also important to retain some level of independence and not suffocate each other.

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It depends on what the communication is about. For example, if my hubby is unhappy with his job, he will quietly keep it to himself until he's sorted it out in his head. Then he'll communicate it to me. This type of communication is fine with me.


But a guy who wanders around like a bear with a sore head and won't tell me what's going on? Total deal breaker. It's horrible to be around a person who's taking out their issues on you but won't say what's going on.

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