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I'm really sorry but your post struck a nerve with me. You ended a relationship with a guy lover because he was beginning to have feelings for you and you happened to have a long term boyfriend at the time...wow, how wonderful. Such a sweet thing to happen.


Then your five-year relationship ends and you immediately call this guy you dumped to see if he's available...like he's supposed to be around for your convenience.


Now, you want to be his buddy to wait around in case his current relationship doesn't work out so you can move your little butt in. I'm sure you've even considered seducing him of having a sexual relationship with him just like you did while YOU were in a realtionship. Well, I've seen people do that and it's pretty sick. People who do that always get it in the end. It isn't cool and the practice is devoid of ethics, honor and morality.


I hope you will consider going about your business of healing from your five-year relationship...assuming the break up bothered you at all. Once you've gotten over it, go find a guy who isn't seeing anybody and who isn't recently out of a relationship and go from there.


This guy you're after has a girlfriend and you should respect that. You screwed him over (as well as your boyfriend at the time) and I'm sure he doesn't want that again. Just because you didn't respect your previous relationship doesn't mean this guy is like you.


Don't use people for your convenience, PLEASE!!! And don't wait around for people to break up so you can move in. Your life will be so pain-filled for doing that.


I hope you will consider what I'm telling you. It will make your life so much easier.

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the long term relationship wasn't really a relationship. the guy was married and i was the other woman. this new guy didn't say he wanted a relationship with me he stated in words that he just wanted to be fiends ( friends who sleep together) i excepted this and continued the "friendship because of the type of relationshiup i was in. he was o.k with until his feelings became involved. however he ended it because he wasn't sure he wanted things to become serios between us dispite he feelings. and i thought this over last night and i have to agree you are so correct that makes me a creep for wanting to wait around for someone relationship to end so i am NOT going to do this to myself or him. i am going to go to this lunch unless he cancles and say good bye to him. the ending of our relationship was quit bad so this time i will end things properly. and i will take your advice and move on. next time i will be smarter. thank you for responding to my post.

I'm really sorry but your post struck a nerve with me. You ended a relationship with a guy lover because he was beginning to have feelings for you and you happened to have a long term boyfriend at the time...wow, how wonderful. Such a sweet thing to happen. Then your five-year relationship ends and you immediately call this guy you dumped to see if he's available...like he's supposed to be around for your convenience. Now, you want to be his buddy to wait around in case his current relationship doesn't work out so you can move your little butt in. I'm sure you've even considered seducing him of having a sexual relationship with him just like you did while YOU were in a realtionship. Well, I've seen people do that and it's pretty sick. People who do that always get it in the end. It isn't cool and the practice is devoid of ethics, honor and morality. I hope you will consider going about your business of healing from your five-year relationship...assuming the break up bothered you at all. Once you've gotten over it, go find a guy who isn't seeing anybody and who isn't recently out of a relationship and go from there. This guy you're after has a girlfriend and you should respect that. You screwed him over (as well as your boyfriend at the time) and I'm sure he doesn't want that again. Just because you didn't respect your previous relationship doesn't mean this guy is like you. Don't use people for your convenience, PLEASE!!! And don't wait around for people to break up so you can move in. Your life will be so pain-filled for doing that. I hope you will consider what I'm telling you. It will make your life so much easier.
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Oh man, you are just a piece of work. So your 5 yr long term relationship was with a MARRIED MAN? and you were nothing but his whore/mistress?...then, you start seeing another guy, so you were in essence, cheating on your cheater (I say cheater cuz he was obviously cheating on his wife, the a**h***).....now you want to get back with the first guy, hoping things don't work out with him and new gal and you'll be there waiting in the wings. Sorry toots, but you're nothing but a hooch. May I suggest counselling or therapy, cuz there's got to be some deep seated reason for you to have such little respect for yourself, people's wives/girlfriends/men. You don't deserve diddly squat.



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thanks for the sympathy. you don't know me. and i don't appreciate the name calling i found it very offensive. if you caanot express your in a more civalized manner i would atleast apprecciat it if you never respond to anything i post ever again. thank you.

Oh man, you are just a piece of work. So your 5 yr long term relationship was with a MARRIED MAN? and you were nothing but his whore/mistress?...then, you start seeing another guy, so you were in essence, cheating on your cheater (I say cheater cuz he was obviously cheating on his wife, the a**h***).....now you want to get back with the first guy, hoping things don't work out with him and new gal and you'll be there waiting in the wings. Sorry toots, but you're nothing but a hooch. May I suggest counselling or therapy, cuz there's got to be some deep seated reason for you to have such little respect for yourself, people's wives/girlfriends/men. You don't deserve diddly squat. L
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Oh, so you came here for sympathy? Well if that's the case, as a wise scholar once told me, "it's in the dictionary (judging by your poor spelling, I'm guessing you could use one)....between "sh*t" and syphilis."


Hey ya know what? Sometimes the truth just hurts. Speaking as a woman who was once married to a cheating husband, I have a right to tell you what I think of your immoral and inscrupulous behavior. I speak for every wife out there whose hubby had/has a hooch on the side.



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