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Was My Bf Genuine Or Not?

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I felt that he was crazy about me, we were together for 3 months. Although we fought a lot, he always tried making up. We're both Armenian and traditional and he knew I was a virgin from the start and he was looking for a wife. Although he knew I wouldn't have sex he did suggest doing other things. Anyway consntant fighting he always made up then until he didn't and the roles reverse and I was the one chasing him. I recently asked him to meet since I always catch him staring at me in church he said it won't work today because he had to take his dad to alteration and it's in opposite direction. I said ok. He asked about my school etc. Anyway, he's 34 and I'm 28 and our relationship was for the purpose of marriage but how do I know if it was genuine or not. After fights I'd break up and he'd try to make up but eventually after the last one he didnt. If he truly liked me would he have given up? Could he like me now but be playing hard to get etc? This constantly plays in my mind if he was genuine how could he give up and then give me an excuse when I suggested to meet?

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When you're fighting early on in a relationship, it's really just getting to know each other. It's unrealistic to first decide to "love" someone and commit to them and then think that means you stay no matter what. Dating is to find out whether you get along -- and you do not. Time to move on and find someone you don't fight with. Love should enhance your life, not bring you more problems.


Love should not be a struggle.

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I agree all the fighting is what turned him off this relationship maybe he wants someone to have an easier relationship with minus the constant bickering. What all did you fight about? Was any of it ever resolved or always just rehashed over and over again? Communication is a key part of a good relationship.

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