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Signs from above

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I know not everyone believes in an afterlife but I do. I believe loved ones who’ve passed watch over me. When I was little I had an imaginary playmate and someone much later (who was also much older) said in passing that imaginary playmates are really just guardian angels. I hadn’t told this man I use to have one, he just mentioned it in a conversation we had.


Street lights go out when I approach them all the time. The one outside my house constantly flickers. It’s the only one on my street that does. It’s bizarre. One night going over a bridge every light went out at the same time making it totally black, as soon as I got off the bridge they all came back on. I was the only person on that bridge and ever since then whenever I go on that bridge it’s back to only one random light going out.


Last night I was driving home super late. I pulled over because I was so tired but realized how close to home I was and decided to try to drive it anyway. My eyes were blinking for more than just a second and I was really drowsy. I know I was driving lousy. Doing about 60 I came around a bend and in the middle of the road were two huge deer standing there. I hit my brakes hard and had to swerve just a little not to hit them. Luckily they didn’t move. After that my heart was racing so hard that I wasn’t tired at all. About three blocks from my home I had to brake and swerve once again to avoid hitting a rabbit crossing the street so it makes me think it’s just the hour all the animals come out to play.


But still, somewhere inside me, I can’t help but think those deer were my mothers way of yelling at me and telling me to WAKE UP!

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technically if you believe in science or believe in religion, we are all reincarnated right? The carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms all dissociate and eventually become something else.


Well done on being safe! I'm sure those animals appreciated not being hit. Don't be drowsy and drive next time :p Go to a rest stop and make sure to boogie woogie in between.

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I am not religious conventionally, but I am very spiritual and I have had spirits warn me on the odd occasion from when I was young. And once I had one tell me if I went to the zoo today I'd see, two people unrelated to each other, two men, one whom had been the head of a commune I lived in one summer and one whom is a lifelong crush that I have always been psychic about. And I went, and I did.


It's usually in alpha state but has happened, like the time above, when I was fully awake and it was in plain English, but what preceded this message were four days of finding a feather in the same place, omens, to get my attention.


I get warned in the car. I was driving and I got a vision of a car crossing right in front of me, so I just slowed down and changed to the slower lane immediately just in case, and right then, two racing cars came roaring past me in the traffic.


Another time I was told in a dream not to use a certain entrance to a taco place I was frequenting and go in the other way, so I always do, just in case.


You were close to being in alpha state when you were driving "on automatic" that night, and so you were more open to spirits.


I met a great granddad I never knew or knew the name of when he popped in when I was in alpha state, just one big head and introduced himself. I had to ask an aunt who was (the name). I thought it was my granddad who died when I was young, by the looks of him, but the name didn't match.


I have in the past asked for the spirits' names, just to see if that might work, because I don't feel I mostly know mine from this life. One showed me his name the next morning in alpha state as a tiny mouse running town the hall and showed me a buffalo head nickel of a Native American (I am part NA), and then showed me the name spelled out, that was similar to "tiny," "Tuni."


The other gave me a big alpha state visualization, which she preceded with music from the song "Lady Grinning Soul," which lyric was "She comes, she goes/she lays belief on you." If I could draw, I could make a picture of it the details were so clear. Some details like you don't see in this world on her costume. I just call her "Lady Grinning Soul."


I have no history of schizophrenia or anything like that.


I've also had a handful of people come tell me something like, "I think I'm supposed to talk to you" or that sort of thing. In my younger days, people used always to confess things to me.


I've also had some Jungian events, one auditory.


So anyway, just realize it mostly will happen in alpha state because that's when you're most receptive. And if you want to ask a question to find out more or see if anyone has input, be sure and only ask for beneficial spirit so you don't open yourself up to everything. And my belief is that no, they are not with us all the time, so you ask ahead of time and then they will pop in if they're going to and you're in the right state. I do not believe they are all-knowing or all-powerful any more than we are. But like animals, may have different skills from us, a different perspective.

Edited by preraph
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Street lights go out when I approach them all the time. The one outside my house constantly flickers. One night going over a bridge every light went out at the same time making it totally black, as soon as I got off the bridge they all came back on.



I suspect local budgetary issues.

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i do believe in signs amay...because i have had them ...signs in my life.....premonitions dreams .....of loved ones who have passed away.....what i know is this ....trust in what you feel.....dont let anyone tell you different.....and when you feel its a sign...it normally is...the reason why others may not see the sign...is god makes it unique for you and who you are.......deb

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I think it is a sign from above that you need to armor your car.... Get a grill guard. Seriously. It is standard equipment on vehicles where I live. My husband hits deer at least once a year on the way to work because there are so many of them. Of the five that he's hit with his daily driver, only one did significant damage. Dented fender, broken headlight. At 55 mph. The grill guard took most of it.

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Being connected to the spirit world can be challenging. What's often most difficult is if you are gifted in these areas and spiritually open .... Your not always necessarily attracting and interacting with high spirits. Generally higher ascended spirits like angels don't interact or interrupt an individual life path unless it's for a very critical reason. Like saving your life or assisting through great trauma etc which for most will be extremely extremely rare events. Maybe a 2-3 times in your life.


From my experience most spirits that inhabit the world aren't high / holy / ascended spirits. They are mostly lost / wandering spirits - not necessarily evil but they haven't been able to move on to the next stage of life after their passing and have remained tethered to the world for some reason. Often these spirits have issues from their previous life and so haven't moved on and interacting with them seldom brings anything tangibly good. They are attracted to those people who are spiritually active and open as they can interact with these people. It gives them a "gateway" of sorts back into the physical world. Thus they will often try to get your attention or maybe even just annoy you or misdirect you ... By potentially passing random information they have (which is seldom beneficial but can seem impressive) But like I said this seldom leads to anything positive for you.


What they primarily want is your attention and interaction. So My policy is generally to ignore these interactions and the spirit will then generally get the picture and leave. Ascended spirits have much more power they do not perform parlour tricks like turning out lights or telling you that you will see someone today to get your attention. These are hall marks of lower spirits seeking attention. So unless the interaction with the spirit comes with a vitally important message and or high vibrational uplifting energy associated with ascended spirits / angels (this is something you can clearly feel the effects of)- in my opinion it's best not to pursue or interact with wandering spirits / ghosts. Many people will assume a wandering spirit that has attached to them is a "guide". I very seldom find this to be true. Guides and angels simply don't do these types of things. It's almost always simply a lost / wandering spirit looking for a person to interact with / feed off.

Edited by Justanaverageguy
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