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We all can be attracted to a memeber of the opposite sex for many different reasons.Attractions can range from mild to overwhelming.The question is: did you ever have sex with someone for purely physical reasons?That is you were struck with the person physically,but otherwise almost wouldn't give that person the time of day because of attitude or some other reason.How did it go?Did you go back for more?Did it grow into a real relationship

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I think guys can do this more easily than gals. Guys who are horny can do most anybody a few times, even go back on a regular basis. But it will be an extremely empty experience for the gal. Rarely will something like this be mutual. One of the partners will be very much into the other and usually it's the female.


If you are having sport sex with someone who otherwise you wouldn't give the time of day, it would be highly unusual if not virtually impossible to strike up a meaningful relationship at some point. Relationships which are sex-based usually stay that way.


Oh, yes, people can mistake them for being more and even get married. But when the sex gets dull and there's nothing else there...you got problems.


If you're in a relationship that only has to do with sex, there's not a problem until you allow you emotions into it. I think younger people would find this easier to do than older people, who usually would rather just not bother than scout around for sexual prey.

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I love your advice Tony, but in my previous experiences, there is a bad rap put on guys, well not a bad rap, but it seems girls never get the blame for being into the same thing guys are.


Go to a few clubs, those girls want the same thing as those guys, yes, there may be a few looking for more than just sex, but from experience, many times girls take the guys home.


I think a relationship solely based on sex can never be developed into anything more, because once you get to know the person, usually you don't like them, and once feelings are involved, the sex becomes more than sex, and then the problems will begin...



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Yes, you are right. There are billions of one-night stands initiated by the female...yet they always complain that the guy never calls them again.


The guy never calls them again because the challenge is over, the trophy is won. These types of situations almost rarely ever end up as any kind of meaningful relationship.


But, absolutely, both men and women can enjoy a roll in the hay with a stranger they are attracted to if they aren't so relgious they feel they will be condemned to hell if they do so. And some even risk eternal condemnation for a nice, strange orgasm.

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I have had men in my life who only seemed to want a physical relationsyhip. I can smell them from a mile


away. It is pretty obvious most of the time. Like Tony said, it would be empty for most women to participate in such a relationship. The only way some women would participate in something like that is if they believed the man was really into her and not just her body.

We all can be attracted to a memeber of the opposite sex for many different reasons.Attractions can range from mild to overwhelming.The question is: did you ever have sex with someone for purely physical reasons?That is you were struck with the person physically,but otherwise almost wouldn't give that person the time of day because of attitude or some other reason.How did it go?Did you go back for more?Did it grow into a real relationship
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after sex - yeah, the trophey is won.


but what if it's just making out? as long as u dont sleep with him, there's still more to go, right? can a relationship grow out of something purely physical- like fooling around, but w/out having sex? or a guy simply wdn't go for that?

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