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Not sure if she was interested or being friendly

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I recently left my job in order to accept a new position with better pay, and as such was forced to transfer to a new city to accept the position. One thing I have often wondered about is whether a particular co-worker may have been attracted to me.at all or if she was just a friendly person.


Towards the end of my tenure, while talking to another co-worker in the hall one day, she passed by and squeezed my shoulder for a few seconds. And on my last day of work she stopped by ny office to say goodbye. She hugged me and said I was a 'wonderful person.'


I'll most likely never see her again, but she was extremely kind and also drop dead beautiful. But I also know she was married and so I didn't press it to see if she was at all interested or if she was just being nice.


What do you think? Whay she interested or just being friendly?

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Solely from what you wrote, I can't tell. Try friending her on social media & see where you go from there. Do you really want to start an LDR though?

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Do you really want to start an LDR though?


But I also know she was married


OP, I wouldn't start a relationship of any distance with a married woman.


You're in a new city. This is a good chance to put down some roots, relationships included...


Mr. Lucky

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She was just giving you a warm send-off. She probably thinks you're a nice person and just wanted to tell you goodbye. Don't try to contact her. I don't see anything more in what she did but just making you feel you were appreciated while there at work. Nothing wrong with that. Nice to know you were appreciated and people enjoyed working with you. That's really better than if it was a married woman making inappropriate gestures to you, isn't it?

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I also know she was married...


What do you think? Was she interested or just being friendly?


Who cares? She's married, so move on.

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She was probably just being nice. I can see why you are tempted to pursue, but my guess is that she just likes you but isn't going to do anything with you. If she wanted to, you would know it.


Men (including me) engage too much in wishful thinking for our egos.

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