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Am I Fat?

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you can't tell by sizes. At my smallest I wore 12 - 14 and I was not fat then, although there are some people who wear the same size and they are fat because of their body type.


If you think you are fat - eat right and exercise. Think Healthy not fat.

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I think that the sizes are different. For instance, I wear a size 0 in the US, but with UK sizes, I wear a 4. So according to US sizes you may be a 8/10. But as far as being "overweight" goes, you can always check out your "ideal" body weight on webmd.com where you enter your height and weight.


I've always been underweight for my height (I'm 5'6"), but I don't look emaciated. I have great muscle tone. No matter what I do, I can't gain the lbs. Even milkshake diets (along with lots of other food, of course)! As long as you're healthy, I think you're fine. BUT - The best bet is to talk to your doc if you're concerned. :)

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I agree with the other posters.

People carry their weigh different. I carry my weight in my stomach and my friend carries her weight in her butt. So to me I think I look fat and she thinks she looks fat.

And here in the US there a plus size models sizes 14 plus, that look fabulous and to me don't look fat at all.


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