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evil grins and happy smiles

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May I ask the panel for their opinion?


If you had a cousin, about as hot as any 5 star model, and you both got drunk one night at a family party, and things seemed to heat up and go beyond what normal family relationships should, what would you do?


I mean, she is a blood relative, but for years we have both had some kind of compassion for one another, just it would be sick to do it we thought. But one night recently, we both were wasted and had a night that we both will never forget. Problem is, should we tell the family or not?


Her dad is my mom's brother.


We both are scared and hope nobody finds out, but we have a slight problem. We liked that night so much, we've done it a few more times, not drunk....


what does the people of the panel think?



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I think you ought to keep this to yourselves, at least for now. There's no reason to get everybody all riled up over something that may not last very long.


In many states, there are laws against first cousins getting married. The reason is that is has been found that mating relatives that close in blood often causes abnormalities in children. I have seen evidence of this myself.


Some states have gotten rid of these laws but nevertheless the problem remains. I don't think you would ever want to take this to the point where you would want to risk bringing phsyically and/or mentall abnormal babies into this world.


I personally don't consider it is incest or anything terrible like that to have something going with a first cousin. However, with thinking as it is it could really cause an uproar in the family if they found out...depending on how open minded your family is.


Nobody's going to find out anything about this unless one of you talks. But there's only one person in the world you can trust to keep his mouth shut and that person has already told 125 million subscribers to the World Wide Web...that's YOU! So let's hope it doesn't get any further. You can certainly trust us not to tell your family.


Before you get into a full blown emotional situation that could end in hurt, I would do some serious research on this first cousin stuff. You might want to do the things described in the last paragraph below now rather than later.


I also want to remind you there are millions of wonderfully drop-dead gorgeous ladies you could be attracted to that you are not related to and could have a great relationships with. This would be the more practical route to go.


If things get to the point where you might be considering marriage, see a physician and a geneticist for information on how children conceived by the two of you could be affected...or just don't have them. If you decide on marriage, then of course tell everyone and if they don't like it...just tell them to kiss your butts.

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I always thought my oldest cousin from Vermont on my mothers side of the family was kind of cute,hes a little older then me by 2 years.The last party we went to I went awhile back and I could not stop looking at him.His eyes are really nice.I always had a crush on him but never told anyone in the family.I really love his eyes.:)

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