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Please help, I'm confused

Spartan 117

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OK I went to high school with this girl, but we didn know or speak to each other, fast forward a year or two and we work together, we became fast friends and after a while it developed into a FWB relationship.


Well I've developed feelings for her that I'm keeping a damper on, but we already seem like were in a relationship, but every once in a while she'll come along and say something like she doesnt want a serious relationship.


For instance one time my neighbor (whom I had sex with once and told my "friend" about before we were FWB) came over and was trying to get close to mean and hold my hand and **** with I backed away from, I texted my "friend" and told her about it and she started saying stuff that went like this.


Me: Shes trying to get up in my **** again


Her: Tell her to get out or I'll kick her ass


Her: or do whatever u want.


Me: what do you mean by that?


Her: well I dont want to feel obligated or anything to me


Me: first I'm never going to mess with that psycho girl again. U've told me u like me alot, I'm not going to screw that up. Are u jealous?


Her: yeah I guess I am but I shouldnt be.


then things go back to normal, we go on dates, we cuddle we kiss we have sex, everything goes great.


then today she was talking about this guy at work who keeps bugging her to go out with him, and she keeps telling him she doesnt want to start anything serious with anyone right now. she thought she might have been leading him on or something.


and then she asks:


Her: do u feel I'm leading u on?


Me: Kinda


Her: im sorry with u its different, i really like u im just not ready for anything serious yet, maybe in time but at the moment in general I'm just enjoying freedom right now and I dont want 2 hurt u or give you feelings of jealousy or anger or whatever.


Me: I'm not angry, but I can get just a little bit jealous. I'm glad u feel its different with me because 2 be honest I was starting to feel used.


Her: I'm sorry no i didnt want u 2 feel used but special because I really like u and what we have so far. would u prefer not 2 know certain things?


Me: Certain things?


Her: Like when I did that 3way kiss when I was drunk. (she did this and I got a little upset about it, but I didnt say anything, but she asked later if it bothered me) would u rather not now about me going on other dates or my crazy drunk actions.


Me: hmm i dunno things like that make me jealous but I think them happening without being me being told would make me feel even worse.


So I'm upset and in a bad mood today, I really care alot about her and she acts and says she does too, but comments like asking if I want her not to talk about other dates and stuff feels like a slap in the face. Its like shes saying "I like you, but I know that I'll find someone better than you"


so I'm confused/upset/pissed off and dont know what to do

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