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should i trust my instinct or his word?

angel eyes

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angel eyes

I had a little disagreement with my guy 4 days ago fortunately we worked it out but i still feel that he's not comfortable with something and I don't know why so i asked him if we have a misunderstanding and he said no. He keeps telling me how much he loves me lately he's been having financial problems like he's broke so i don't know if ti's because his finances or because that little disagreement because since that day i've seen him that he's a little changed. do i take his word or should i trust my instinct that something is wrong? should i asked him?

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I think this is something you need to talk to him about in detail. Express your feelings precisely. Tell him you are confused. Tell him what you are feeling and how that conflicts with what he is telling you.


A good dialogue between the two of you should be able to iron this out to your satisfaction. But clearly let him know that you feel things have been different these last four days or so despite what he has said.

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