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Love at second base?

Lester Festerfeld

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Lester Festerfeld

There is an issue that needs to be settled here. I would like to know if anybody out there has had this happen to them before?


I was digging this one young woman. She was bright, attractive, full of energy, full of life, full of humor, full of sexual passion. Anyway, after the 13th date, we finially went back to her place and she made the moves.


Me, just getting out of a 12 year relationship, in which 8 of them years I was married and the other 4 years, was when i was dating my ex-wife. ANyway, I'm only 28 years old.


So this is the first date i've been on and well, the first 13 i guess. Maybe it was a bad omen, maybe it was bound to happen,. but we weren't getting serious, but we enjoyed each others company and it was time to go to the next level, so she thought and so we did. Candles and all.


Well, during the compassion and passoin and love making, we sort of were acting like animals and knocked over the many candles she had set up around the bed. Unfortunaltely, at the time, we never noticed, well, until, our passions had subsided.


But by that time, half her apartment was on fire and the candles were everywhere. Her papers, her curtains, all went up in smoke. We tore out of the smoke filled and burning apartment and called 911.


The issue i have is, her apartment is unliveable for a while, so i offered to her the option, that she could stay at my place, i'll be it, i have a guest house, so if she felt weird, i would stay in the guest house and she could stay in my house, but she took off and i haven't seen her again.


It's been 2 weeks. I haven't heard from her, seen from her, i even called her place of employment, and they said she no longer works there, she has left the area and didn't leave an forwarding address.


I mean, i think i love this girl, what can i do? I didn't think this was my fault, and even though i can pay for other's, she seemed to actually care about me, i know you shouldn't fall for call girls, but she was different, what should i do?

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Wow, it seems like you were really caught up in the moment...to have the apartment burn down around you while you were having sex and not even notice or smell the smoke.


You didn't mention she was a call girl until your last sentence. Call girls have thick skins. They are actors. They know what to say and what to do to manipulate men. She got you to fall for her...why, I don't know.


At any rate she is gone. Her apartment destroyed, she has hit the streets to make money to get new digs. You will never see or hear from her again.


You thought you had something special with her but you didn't. Call girls can leave anybody and never talk to them again and it's no big deal. (Man women who aren't call girls are capable of that) They have sex with men every day...the most intimate you can be with another human being...and unless they keep a diary of customers they won't remember your face or your penis.


At least you have an incredible memory with her of the most fascinating sexual experience I have every heard of. So she left you with something.


Forget about her.


And no, I don't use prostitutes. But as a newpaper and television reporter I interviewed many of them. They are pretty tough cookies and they don't look back.

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Your post left a number of questions in my mind, none of which really need to be answered.


She has pretty much made it clear that she does not want to have anything to do with you anymore. Either that, or her pimp thought you were trying to cut into his/her action. It becomes a problem when escorts entertain the same client over and over. The clients many times will fall for the escort and try to talk them into quiting work.


The only suggestion I have right now is...try to find someone else to date, preferably, one that does not work for an escort service.

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