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My friends ugly girlfriend that i hate and their problem

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My friend is having a problem and is asking for me to post on the forum and ask for some information. I tried to help him out but my personal opinions have made me bias (I despise his girlfriend)


Alrighty here is go. my friend chris has been dating this girl. I'll admitt it's going good. They get along, Spend quality time together and all around it seems like a Really Promising relationship. So chris was over at mary's Dorm room last night watching a movie. She gets a call and he over hears her talking about plans to do something today. He thinks nothing of it because she often visits her friend thats 45 mins away. He also tries to ignore her convos on the phone or the computer because he's insecure(I think) and has a overactive imagination(i know), So to save himself the pain of Worrying he usually just turns the other cheek.However and i can Vouche for him on this. this time is different. Usually she will call him atleast once when she is out with her friends just to check in and let chris know that she Got there safely and Inform him of their plan. And usually when she goes out with her girlfriends she stays out till 9 or 10 because of Class the next morning. The only time she stays out late on a school night is with him. So Tonight i'm talking to chris on the phone and he says that he's getting a bad feeling about tonight, She 1. Hasn't called and 2. Is out very late. This i know is unusual. because she usually calls him alot when i'm with him.


So he figures she is out with another man.

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I see no evidence to suggest his Girlfriend is out with someone else. Just because she hasn't called him doesn't mean she's cheating on him.


From what you've said, there isn't any past history between them that suggests she is or will be cheating on him.


With that said, I would suggest Chris go to sleep and not worry about this.

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haha that's what i told him. basically the way i see it is you can't live your life worrying about things you have no control over. be the best person that you can, Live life the way you think it should be lived.


he's so paranoid! But i feel sorta bad for him, he's tried calling her just to say "HI" but she wont pick up the phone. Which is to him another bad sign, because the only time she doesn't pick up the phone is when she is with Him. Which makes him think she is on a date.


Oh my, I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I bet you 100 bucks he will act so insecure and so Annoying that she will dump him.

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