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no energy and depression

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I never have energy to do anything. Even caffeine doesn't help. I have school and work every day and I spend most of my spare time on homework and essays. My house is a mess and I have difficulty even getting out of the house outside of going to work or class.. I'm doing great at school and work but my personal life is falling into disrepair. I can't have friends over while my house is a mess and I'm getting pretty depressed. How do I get energy without the help of substances? I really need some help.

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Happy Lemming
How do I get energy without the help of substances? I really need some help.


Describe your diet... Are you eating good wholesome foods?? or Junk Food??

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I eat a balanced diet of fruit, vegetables, meats, and breads. Everything is organic or grass fed. I occasionally consume dairy but it's rare.

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Happy Lemming

Well that sounds all good... Have you thought about discussing this with your doctor?? There may be some underlining issue that you are not even aware of.


Personally, if I'm feeling a bit run down, I'll make a big meal of beef liver.

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I don't have a doctor where I live. I set an appointment to get a primary care physician lined up but that's not until May :(

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When my depression gets out of control, the easiest outward manifestation is the mess in the house.


If you can find 1/2 hour to tidy one room or area per day that can help but I never have the patience for that & the rest of the mess drags me down.


If you can spare a few bucks, pay somebody to clean the mess. When your environment is neater, you feel better.

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Do you take any drugs ? smoke pot ? drink ?


If you do stop and go see someone who can help with why you are depressed...

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Didn't you recently go thru a breakup ? that can bring on some down in the dumps feelings no matter what side of the breakup you are on.


If that is the case then you need to get out more.. even if it's just walking..get out and talk to people, not dateable people but people in general and get around some family...

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Get your thyroid checked. All those things you describe could be signs that your thyroid is not functioning at the proper levels.

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My guess is your testosterone levels are in the toilet...


D0nnivan makes a good point as well, and I do it myself...Get your place in order...You will immediately feel better...Even open the windows for some fresh air, even if its cold out and you can't do it for too long...Great advice!



Edited by thefooloftheyear
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Vitamin D also helps. Get out and get some sunshine. If you can't do that then take a supplement.

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@Art_critic . I broke up with my girlfriend over two years ago. I do drink a beer or a glass of wine maybe once or twice a week but nothing excessive. Sometimes will hit a joint if it's passed my way at a show but I'm not an every day stoner or even an every week stoner.


@tfy . What are some ways to improve my testosterone levels?


@wally . Like I said the soonest I can see a doctor is may. We have a huge lack of medical care where I live. When I go I'll ask about that but yeah I'm trying to figure this out before then. Also it rains nonstop where I live right now. I'll look into vitamin D supplements but I'm pretty broke right now with going to school full time and working part time.


@basil . I moved here last year and don't have family around. Most of my friends here have as busy of schedules as me and I'm really not close enough to any of them to ask to help me with my mess.


@d0nnivain . I can't afford to pay someone to help with the house but I've been trying to do a little bit every day. It's been over a month since I moved in and I know the mess is part of the problem but it's hard to find energy to do something about it. I'm definitely working on it though. I do really wish I could snap my fingers and have it all be done.



By the way I really appreciate you all!!

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Vitamin D, B12 and calcium supplements will help with your energy level.


Exercise! Yoga, brisk walking or going to the gym will also make you feel better.


Ask a trusted friend to come over and spend time with you, they won't judge you for the state of your house. Maybe they can help motivate you and help clean up and sort through junk etc.

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Knowing I’m having company always motivates me to clean. Maybe you should invite a friend to dinner.


Also, gather up your wash and throw in some laundry. Turn off your tv too. News is depressing.


If you feel motivated clean your bathroom first. It’s small and won’t take too long. Also make your bed as soon as you get up in the morning. This way you won’t be tempted to crawl back in. And whenever possible, get yourself outside. Fresh air and sunshine do wonders for the spirit.

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Well isolation causes depression.


Please try to get out into the community. We are not meant to walk this path alone.


Have a beautiful day my friend!

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I live in a very isolated city. Most of the doctors are overbooked as it is and aren't taking new patients. The closest doctor to me that is taking patients is almost an hour away. It's hard out here for a toast :(



I went to the gym today. I feel a bit better but I still have absolutely no energy at home.

Edited by crispytoast
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I went to the gym today. I feel a bit better but I still have absolutely no energy at home.


This is the key for me, energy begats energy. I'm not a gym rat so has to be something fun - biking, tennis, hiking, etc. Honestly, the only days I feel lethargic are the ones when I don't get exercise.


Do something in the morning before your school/work day starts, even if only a walk. The lift will help order the rest of your day...


Mr. Lucky

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Idk man I walk well over a mile every day so I think it has to do with more than exercise. I don't watch TV either and I consume a lot of nutrients. I wish I had more energy to be around people outside of a school or work setting.

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@d0nnivain . I can't afford to pay someone to help with the house but I've been trying to do a little bit every day.


You are in a college town on the other side of the country from your family, right? That is factoring into this.


As for cost, how big is your place? If we're talking a 1 BR apartment you should be able to find somebody to clean it in a college town for $50 or less. Post an add on Craigslist, check out Thumbtack or TaskRabbit. Your fellow college students are also broke. Somebody would be happy to clean for not a lot of money.


I know when you are a broke college student, every penny counts but getting this place clean will boost your energy because the mess will stop sucking your energy & enable you to sleep better. It's also cheaper then a doctor.


Another option is force yourself. Set a timer on your phone for 15 minutes. Make yourself clean for the whole 15 minutes. If you still have energy when the timer goes off, keep cleaning. If you are wiped out, at least the place is 15 minutes cleaner then it was.


Finally I read this jump start technique in a self help book years ago. Get a paper & pen. Make a list of all the petty annoyances in your life: the shirt with the missing button; the messy bathroom; the pile of laundry; the assignment in that class you have been putting off; your job search. Whatever is annoying you or not right in your life, it goes on the list from the petty to the profound. Just keep writing until you have everything that is not perfect in your life on paper. Now put the list away. Seriously. Fold up the paper & put it in a drawer. Set a time when you will work on it. How about this Sunday or next Saturday? You have to pick a day when you have 4-5 hours to devote to this. Get out your list & re-read it. You will shocked that there is stuff you can already cross off that list as having been done. Now highlight the things that you can actually accomplish in the time you have set aside: sewing the button; doing the laundry; all the small stuff. Set about doing them. When your 4-5 hours is up or when you run out of energy after that time, quit. Put the list away again with the idea that you will pick it back up in a week etc. Eventually the niggling stuff will get handled & you will feel so much lighter.

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If you’re in college, why don’t you have healthcare access to your university health center?


Personally, I need to get a bit of sun exposure and keep myself busy (physically and/or mentally) to do the job.

Edited by JuneL
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I never have energy to do anything. Even caffeine doesn't help. I have school and work every day and I spend most of my spare time on homework and essays. My house is a mess and I have difficulty even getting out of the house outside of going to work or class.. I'm doing great at school and work but my personal life is falling into disrepair. I can't have friends over while my house is a mess and I'm getting pretty depressed. How do I get energy without the help of substances? I really need some help.


please consult a good psychiatrist crispytoast

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Idk man I walk well over a mile every day so I think it has to do with more than exercise. I don't watch TV either and I consume a lot of nutrients. I wish I had more energy to be around people outside of a school or work setting.


Walking a mile is really nothing. Personally, I need at least 3 miles of brisk walking to count as physical exercise.

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