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Help and advice re confession

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Hi, I hope someone can help as I really don't know what to do..


I have been in a four year relationship with a girl I love dearly. We have lived together for a couple of years but I moved out earlier this year when we decided that it would be best for us as we were recovering from a very big row. She went abroad for a month to be with family and then returned to be with me, us agreeing that we both wanted to be together and make it work as we had talked about the possibiity of marriage prior to the bust-up.


She would never cheat on me, but when we were trying to resolve things on her return earlier this year, I got drunk and went back to some peoples house for more drinks. I ended up having a one-night stand with a girl there I never saw before and haven't seen again, and have hated myself for it since. My girlfriend doesn't know this and it would probably break us up for good. She is happy to try and resolve our latest thing but she is resolving it with someone who has a secret like this and I don't know whether I should tell her, even if it does lead to us breaking up. At least she could get over the pain and possibly find happiness with someone more deserving.


The guilt is horrible. I could live with it to stay with her but feel like i'm doing wrong as I'm not the person she loves.


I really don't know what to do...

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Be a man and tell her the truth and take the consequences. If you don't tell her and you stay together, it will always be there between you.


Someone else knows this, if no one other than the woman you slept with and the truth usually always comes out eventually. It is better if she hears it from you.


You are responsible for your actions and you are responsible to make it right with her. If you present it in a way that shows remorse, guilt and desire to repair your relationship with her it should help.


If she leaves because you were honest with her and wanted and honest relationship then that is her loss.

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