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Invaded his Privacy now what do I do!!

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Hi Guys


Ok some of you might think i'm very stupid but here goes, after much debating with myself I decided to surprise my fiance on his return with a romantic candlelit dinner. I planned a little scavenger hunt for him to find the things that were needed for him to have dinner (Roses, Teddy, a bottle of wine, and a specially made CD) I wanted to make him feel really special and do something for him that no one else has, before I jumped into accusing him of things.

Everything actually went really well we talked about a lot of things, our relationship, what our future plans are and if we are still ready for our plans and of course this girl. It's the first time that I have felt he's been whole heartedly honest with me and so I have decided that I am going to take his explanation without speaking to her as there's no point now like a few of you guys have said.

Anyway as I was saying i'm going to try and be a trusting fiance and at least believe him this time and if there is a next time then I'l know exactly what I have to do!


Once again thank you guys for all your advice

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I don't think what you did was stupid. It was very sweet. All I have to say, though is keep your eyes open. Always be aware.

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