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Man Scents and Fragrances

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Hi all! I'm looking for input on a topic I have yet to see covered here: scents and fragrances for men. What would you recommend to smell good for your woman?


To provide some detail, I have never looked into products just for their scent. Perhaps three times over a five month period, my GF has said I smell good. Each time I had extra time before we met, and washed my face in the middle of the day, and reapplied deodorant. She has also asked me, perhaps five or six times, how I like the smell of a new hair product she is using. So based off of this, I think scent is important to her, and I have read that women want their man to smell good. While I'm pretty OCD with personal cleanliness, I know nothing about scents. What should I be looking at? Cologne, fancy shampoo, some sort of body spray? Any guidance would be appreciated, and especially specific recommendations as to brands and product names, etc. Thank you!

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This is my own opinion based on my own experiences, but body spray has too much of a boys' locker room sort of vibe.


Cologne has a bit more sophistication about it, but it's something that is a very personal choice. Think of it like clothes - you're not going to look good in every shirt you try, and scents are no different. The only way you'll find out is to try them - I'd highly recommend getting your GF's (or a trusted female friend's) opinion on each one you try.

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Cologne or aftershave. And take your girlfriend shopping with you because what can smell good on one guy can smell awful on another.

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Happy Lemming

I use Speed Stick (regular) deodorant, always have.


As far as cologne, I like Prism Cologne (it is the generic and much cheaper version of Polo by Ralph Lauren)


My girlfriend bought me some Eternity - Aqua (for men) by Calvin Klein for my birthday a couple years back. I save that for special occasions, but I really like it, as well.


This is just my preferences, hope it helps.

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Whatever you do, don't use a real strong long lasting scent. There's nothing more off putting than a guy who puts too much on. It's sexier to wear a scent that she can smell when standing close to you or cuddling.

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I alternate between Drakkar Noir and Passion for Men by Elizabeth Taylor. Strong, classic scents to be used in moderation. Tried others over the decades but these are my mainstays.

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Whatever you do, don't use a real strong long lasting scent. There's nothing more off putting than a guy who puts too much on. It's sexier to wear a scent that she can smell when standing close to you or cuddling.


This is so true!

Don't over do it.

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I've never been one for colognes or aftershave. Luckily for me my wife seems to like the smell of Irish Spring soap.

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I really dislike the smell of men's cologne as most men that wear it wear WAY too much of it to the point where it gives me a headache.

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2 suggestions for colognes really quick:


Le Male by Jean Paul gaultier (old, but good, and all the ladies love it, myself included)


Terra Rossa by Salvatore ferragamo

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Oh and guys? If you are going to wear a cologne? For the love of all that is holy...do NOT layer that with a scented deodorant and/or body wash!


Please. Save the people around you from having to process a million different smells coming off your body.

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Go to a department store with her or by yourself & smell 3-4 things. After that the scents will all blend together do take a break, walk around& come back if you want.


When you find something you like spray it on your wrist then smell your wrist. Fragrance interacts with everyone's body chemistry . It could smell good in the bottle but bad on you.


When you get something you like on you, buy it & wear but use it sparingly.

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Something that works for me is essential oils. I put tea tree oil + sandalwood extract in jojoba oil. The tea tree and sandalwood are antibacterial but don't block your pheremones like deodorants will, and the jojoba oil is to dilute them because they are very potent by themselves. You can add other essential oils to it too to tailor the fragrance to you and/or your lady's liking. It's a little hippie so it's not for everyone but women tend to dig it.

Edited by crispytoast
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  • 3 weeks later...

Use a good natural soap. Smell will be subtle and won't taste yukky if she goes in to kiss your neck ;). I'd also use a lightly scented hair product. Coconut, or mild spicey like clove are nice.

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My husband smells like a combination of Speed Stick deodorant, Hoppes #9 gun cleaning solvent, and either gasoline or carburetor cleaner. I like it! Stay clear from the body sprays and colognes. As others have mentioned, it smells like a locker room. And the makers of Axe should be tried for crimes against humanity.

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I've never been one for colognes or aftershave. Luckily for me my wife seems to like the smell of Irish Spring soap.


I really dislike the smell of men's cologne as most men that wear it wear WAY too much of it to the point where it gives me a headache.



Yes! I can't handle cologne or aftershave or men's soaps.

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I like Dolce & Gagana Light Blue for men. Just a splash after the shower. Never overdo fragrance. Many sneeze from it. Different scents work on different body chemistry, though, so get some samples and let someone else judge them after you've had them on for 30 minutes. Stuff turns dark on me, nearly everything.

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You can't go wrong with any Chanel cologne for men. Ralph Lauren Polo fragrance are pretty good too.

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I've never been one for colognes or aftershave. Luckily for me my wife seems to like the smell of Irish Spring soap.


that's a shame GT...I've been into men's colognes since I hit puberty, the women love it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

l like soaps and shampoos , she always says she loves my scent.

But a guy renting my cabin did a runner and left must be 7-800 bucks worth of after shaves and all kinds of sprays. Dunno wtf l'll do with it all most of it's still in the pack.

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My BF had never really cared about cologne etc before me- he doesn't really have a good sense of smell- but he knew I always enjoyed wearing perfume. I had a small sample of one I liked but could never normally afford (>£50 a bottle seems a bit daft for something small) but it was the first thing he could really smell and he loved it- so he surprised me with a bottle- half for himself really.


We then embarked on a 6 month mission to find a cologne that I liked on him. Everytime we went in to a dept store we spent 15 mins in the fragrance section testing things until we both finally found one we like.


It's Paul Smith Extreme for men. He doesn't wear it very often- just special occassions- which I think makes me like it more- as I'll always comment on how good he smells when we go out for dinner etc

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scents are my favourite thing in the whole wide world......smelly stuff...mmmm...im a bit of a witch in this department



i sometimes get whiffs of a scent that reminds me of people who i have lost.....i think scents are important.....


i love ocean scents on men......davidoff cool water for men is a lingering scent that seems to last.... heres a review




its got a ton of aromatic herbs......very very nice.....


any base scent of clary sage or bergamot are refreshing...guys that smell of the outdoors....its just cool....pleasant and non invasive....avoid heavy musk scents ...go herbal tonal base notes..or woods..paco rabanne is cool....it has clary sage in the mix and its just yum.....


....i guess though finding your signature scent is a personal journey...personally.....i make my own by mixing scents.....and ill use skin oils in that mix as well but im female and sometimes....i thinks i use too much scent..people always comment that i smell good though and a friend of mine whose baby i minded said she knew i must have held her baby a lot...because her baby always smelt like me.....recognisable....:0)...


heres an article i found on choosing a male scent......hope it may help you....good luck choosing shydad...







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I dislike cologne or any other sorts of explicit fragrances. Lots of people put too much and you can smell them after they've left the goddamned lift. :sick: Even in the best case scenario that it's applied properly, I prefer without. Just a personal preference I guess.


I do like the smell of my man fresh out of a shower though. The after-smell of soap mixed with pheromones. Mmmm. :)

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