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What do I do?


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Hello All,

I have a serious problem on my hands and I need your help. My girlfriend broke up with me about 5 days ago, she is 20 and I am 24, I am in the Army and she is going to college. We were seeing each other for about 13 months and things were going great but for the last 1-2 months we were always fighting and I would always make her mad by the littlest thing. I still love her so much and she says that she loves me, but she says she is not in-love with me. The reasons she gave me were that she is only 20 and that she doesn’t know if being with me is what she wants (we talked about getting married when I got back and we even had a ring picked out), she said I was smothering her, she said that she could not get over the fact that I was married before (which I cant change), and she said that since I was leaving to go to Iraq that she did not want to be alone for a year. I get so mad about the last 2. She said she wants to be friends and when I talk to her I feel great but when I am not I don’t, I miss her so much. Should we be friends or should I just let go. I guess I am holding onto some type of hope that we will get back together. She said she needed space and time apart. So she broke up with me. It felt like I wasn’t supposed to love her when she was not trying back. What do I do? I also have a couch and a couple of other things of mine still at her place? Should I just forget about them or go get them. I kind of fell badly because she would not have a couch that matched her stuff and I don’t want to be mean. Part of me says be mean and get my stuff, even though it will be in storage for a year and the other part says get it when I get back, I don’t know. She also said I was not social and I said we never really went out. I don’t know what to do. Please help. I hate this feeling.

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