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My wife is very beautiful and sexy, how can i talk her into relaxing and dressing up sexy when we go out. We hsve 5 children and when we we go out I like to think that we are going out as a couple and not as parents setting an example.


We are only on this earth for a short time and I feel when we do get that special alone time we should make the best of it.

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Take her shopping and buy her some outfits that you like. Let her know it will mean a lot to you if she's wears them on those special nights when the two of you go out together.


If she refuses, you have got some serious problems.

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Tony's got a good idea. Pick out some outfits for her that you find sexy, either buy them or go through her wardrobe for some she may already have.


I'm sure she'll be happy to wear them for you.


Tell her how beautiful and sexy she looks, and tell her that if she dresses up nice, she'll look even hotter.


If she still doesn't want to, show her this message board and have her post her issues here. Maybe we'll be able to help her out further after hearing her side.


Hope everything works out fine :)

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