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How do i find out if she cheated?

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If they are willing to lie to you they are capable of doing a lot worse. Tell her you'll marry her if she passes a polygraph. Your wasting your time on this one friend, don't complicate your life more then it already is. She failed, she is not up to your standards if you already doubt her fidelity.

What, no, don't do anything of the sort. That's some crazy sh*t. Marriage shouldn't even be on the table. Just move on.


And if you can swing it, get close to one of her besties before you break up and then sleep with her after the split. Just kidding, don't do that. Or do it, but don't look at it as revenge. You know what they say, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone. Just kidding, don't do that.


Move on man, your future ex-gf is out there somewhere and she doesn't even know she misses you yet.

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they had met at a party a few weeks earlier,.. (She)started talking to him quite a lot, so much that she was talking to me less, and she admitted to forming a deep connection with him talking about thing to him that we hadn't talked about and being interested in him.


At that point you say Bye, Bye.

Dating is about finding someone who is interested in YOU and you alone.

She was interested in someone else, she acted upon it by having long intimate chats and she even told you that.

What happened next was hardly surprising was it?

Whether they actually had sex or not is a moot point.

She is not faithful or loyal to you, so she is not someone who is gf material.

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At the end of the day, trying to figure out what happened doesn't matter. She has broken the trust in the relationship on multiple occasions and it's time for it to be over. For your sanity, I suggest that you just call it off and move forward. I doubt that you'll ever trust her again (with good reason) and you'll put yourself through more misery by staying with her.




My marriage ended because of infidelity but I didn't even try to prove that she was unfaithful. Her actions broke a trust that couldn't be repaired so it ended. I could've beat my head against a wall trying to prove she was screwing around but I wasn't going to waste my time because I knew I'd never trust her again.

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