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do things really change?

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Hey I hope everyone is doing well,

I'll be turning 30 really soon everyone keeps on talking about how I should actually be trying to have a kid now and my hormones, how my body is going to be changing. it's never really been something that's made me nervous but now I'm getting a little stir crazy as the months are counting down. I guess what I'm trying to ask is do things really change and you become 30?

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Are you going to wake up in the morning feeling different? Probably not. People's perceptions of you will change though. As you've already noticed based on the reactions you've mentioned.


I loved turning 30 because women take you more seriously. I never would have been able to get my wife to date and marry me at 29. But I had a fighting chance when I brought 31 to the table. :cool:

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Things do definitely change but not 29 to 30 really. I'm 45 now my body has been changing since about 40.

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I hit 30 recently, and it almost seemed to turn my life upside down. I got married. I got pregnant. I had a baby, then got pregnant again. My life in my early 30's is massively different than it was at 28. So is my body...it is just not as resilient. I'm not sure if it is so much being in my 30's as it is having two pregnancies back-to-back. But there's a noticeable energy loss. I don't think that turning 30 is some kind of black magic, but I'm not happy about losing my youth. Tread carefully. You aren't a teenager anymore, and calories do count now.

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