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Success stories of getting ex back after she got in another relationship

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Im deeply in love with this girl and i messed up for a second time with jealousy issues which pushed her into the arms of another


(This happened 3 weeks after we last spoke)


Anyways i was just wondering if you guys have any success stories of yourself or somebody you know getting back togwther with an ex after they have gotten into another relationship ?

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I don't think you will see many success stories. Most people know that when someone is in a relationship it's best to leave them alone.

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It all depends on how strong the love was. I try everything (respectfully and within boundaries) before giving up, not caring if they're in a relationship or not. I've had 3 that I can remember that were a success, other's were lost causes. But I rather get a no than never know. Just remember, don't cross moral boundaries, be respectful in your approach, and most importantly, respect her.

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i got my ex back. along time ago, i chased her. waited, and kissed ass and was her little gopher for her every little need, she even called me and cried about how she wished the new guy was like me. lol messed up right? 6 months later we got back together, she was super mean and rude to me for some reason. and broke up with me again. years later she told me that her thing with the new guy was an infatuation/ obession that she couldnt stop her self, even though she was crazy about me, the new guys "poker face" seriousness is what made her so attracted to him. she told me she was using me to get over the new guy even though she was with me for years and him for a few months. messed up right. time clearly doesnt play a role in certain types of womens minds. but she did tell me this, the fact that i was hovering there waiting she new she could have me at anytime so she felt like she never really lost me.


its many years later im in a different situation now , but her karma was after she found out about my recent break up, she came over and tried to work things out, i laughed super sarcastically in her face as she was crying on my door step. yeap i was an A-hole too, the biggest id say, but i felt it needed to be done, first time i ever really stood up to her. now she lives in her moms basement with nothing. and she still messages me.


my advice move on FOR NOW... that means work on yourself, and only yourself. transform. shell be back when your truly gone, and when she is , the tables will turn and you will have to make that major decision. i thought my ex ex would never come back. but here she is. begging for what she tossed away like trash.

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We was together for 5 years,broke up twice now but i was trying to get her back, i thought things where going well she was saying it was nice taking things slow and that she got a buzz to see me again and a few weeks ago she told me that she loved me and still had those feelings for me, but then this other guy started messaging her and i got paranoid and jealous and started snooping and all ive done is push her into his arms.


I just dont know what to do anymore, im at a massive roadblock on both sides with no way out

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Maybe after the first time your jealousy got in the way you should have worked at taking care of the issue. No doubt you put your jealousy on the back burner instead of quelling it. What do you expect? If this new guy isn't stifling her with jealousy then give up because you won't have a snowballs chance in hell.

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