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Just Tell Me What I Should Do


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Okay. i have wrote about this before but, it is still bothering me. My bestfriend and i are completley made for eachother i think. i sometimes go over there and just lay with him in bed and we talk about everything. I'm utterley head over heals for him. And he just told me that he wants to be with me. As far as straighten himself up and get a place with me and be normal.

But i love my boyfriend, and i don't know if guilt is the reason i won't leave him or love. But we fight ALL DAY LONG about the dumbest things. we barley even kiss eachother unless we are saying i'm sorry. I'm the more lovable one and he is always saying i'm bothering him. i don't know what went wrong or when it did. and i think if things were to get better i would stay with him. but i also fell guilty i think because he is everything i wanted him to be, responsible and all that good stuff but he doesn't seem to be in love with me like he used to be. i don't know if he resents me from taking his party life away or not.i dunno.but i'm not kidding all day long! and it makes me feel like i'm going to go insane and seriously have a nervous brakedown, it's definetley strain on my brain.

But the bestfriend/ex and i have always been together but i'm scared to jusmp to the next level becaue he has always got with me then a few months late with brake up with me because he says he feels he doesn't deserve me. Or i am better than that, or all that kind of bull****. Now this is my life i am talking about, not some little hightschool fling. I'm a full time worker a full time mom, and i'm about to start school. I cant push someone out of my life for someone else who might push themselves out of mine because they are insecure! I don't know what i should do. i feel all mixed up inside. Any advice. (blue chocalate it's not about the sex with my ex)

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So why are you staying with the bf? Because you're afraid to be alone? You're miserable in a relationship - get out of the relationship. Whether or not you have a chance with your best friend (who you should not be lying in beds with when you're supposedly in a committed relationship) should not govern whether or not you stay in a relationship that clearly has broken down.

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