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how do guys think? Is the magic ingredient to committment the right girl or the right time??


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My friends and I have been having this discussion for a while - The majority of guys are interested in sowing some wild oats before they settle down with a "ball and chain" as I have heard them refer to their partners - HOWEVER, the fact remains that most men still end up marrying at some point in time during their lives. While girls fantasize about marriage and play house often as children, when have you heard of male children dreaming of walking down the aisle? In other words, girls seek out committment through their upbringing while men often avoid the same scenario so many women dream of. This is not true for all men or women for that matter, yet I do think this represents the majority. What do you think prompts a man to decide to settle down - meeting the "right" person or is it more about their own emotional maturity and reaching an age where they feel ready for a committment like that? What is it that causes a guy to change his focus from "quantity" to "quality" - Basically is it more about the right girl or the right time for a guy?

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I think age, maturity and meeting the right person all play a part in a man settling down. It depends on the guy. Some men meet a woman and fall in love and fear that they will lose her if they don't marry her. I think that is what happens with younger men who get married.


I think once a man's friends start to get married, some single guys start to want it too. They want to be in the loop for one thing. Once a few buddies take the plunge, they are no longer as afraid to do it. Once the buddies are all married it must get lonely when you become fifth wheel all of time unless you find a new pack of buddies. I think sowing wild oats is more acceptable when a man is younger but it must get old and boring after a while. I think men like to be more settled in their career, finances and lives before taking the plunge. I'm sure most men have goals they would like to reach before settling down.

My friends and I have been having this discussion for a while - The majority of guys are interested in sowing some wild oats before they settle down with a "ball and chain" as I have heard them refer to their partners - HOWEVER, the fact remains that most men still end up marrying at some point in time during their lives. While girls fantasize about marriage and play house often as children, when have you heard of male children dreaming of walking down the aisle? In other words, girls seek out committment through their upbringing while men often avoid the same scenario so many women dream of. This is not true for all men or women for that matter, yet I do think this represents the majority. What do you think prompts a man to decide to settle down - meeting the "right" person or is it more about their own emotional maturity and reaching an age where they feel ready for a committment like that? What is it that causes a guy to change his focus from "quantity" to "quality" - Basically is it more about the right girl or the right time for a guy?
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