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Not sure what to do

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Hello everyone.... I am a new member here. Heres the scoop:


About a year ago, I met a girl and we became close friends before going out. We began to date, and everything was going GREAT. This was actually my first real relationship. After about 4 months, we reached the "I Love You" stage, and it really truly seemed like both of us were in love. Now she has switched colleges, to a college about 5 hours away. I don't get to see her often because of my busy schedule. The first 3 or 4 weeks after she left, we still called each other every day, emailed, and chatted often. Just this past weekend, I paid her a visit. She ran up to me when she saw me and started crying, and saying "I missed you so much" and "I love you" over and over again. I left Sunday afternoon after spending the weekend watching movies, ice skating, and hanging out. Before I left we began to have discussions. She keeps saying "what if I meet someone?" She also says that she doesn't want to fall in love, but rather have someone she can hold "as her own."


Next fall, I will be attending the same college as her, after I finish community college this year. She says she doesn't know what will happen, and we are both scared. This week, she has lessened contact with me. She is also becoming more and more vague, "I can't talk because I'm going to watch something with somepeople" or "I have to go, someone is coming up to our room." Its frustraing. But, I love her, and I can't get over her. She just has meant so much to me. She says she'll love me and that she won't meet someone better than me, but she says she needs someone now, something I can't provide. Anyway, what should I do? I can't bear the thought of going to college and seeing her with another guy. I've tried NC, but I love her too much to just go off like that. Thanks for any help

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Sorry to hear about this. It's one thing dating someone in the same college but one that's 5 hours away is devestatingly hard. You have to realize that 99% of her friends there are either single or in a non-serious relationship. So, they will constantly tell her that she needs to "enjoy" college and not be seriously involved with anybody. She will feel left out while all her friends are dancing and making out with random guys at the clubs. She obviously wants attention by what she's saying to you. Again I'm sorry man but it doesn't look good for you two in the future. Do no contact for 2 weeks. Let's see how many times she makes an effort to contact you. That will be a great indication on how often she's actually thinking about you.

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