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My boyfriend's family hates me :c(


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I'm in my first serious relationship and I'm having a lot of problems with his family. I'm very shy and I try to talk to them, but they automatically judge me as being a snob. And they flat out just don't like me. It's causing a lot of problems for my boyfriend and I. Should I be concerned with impressing his family? What should I do?

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Wouldn't it be pretty simple to have your boyfriend explain to his family that you are very shy and NOT a snob?


His family may like the outgoing and talkative type but it's your boyfriend you're dating.


As for being concerned with impressing his family, it all depends. A lot of parents have great influence on their offspring. If his parents do, then you better get on their good side.


I think your guy's family is a little snobbish myself...frankly.

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Yeah, your boyfriend should just tell them. They should believe him.


As far as them thinking you're snobby, don't let it bother you. The more it bothers you, the more shy you will become around them, and the more snobby you'll seem.


Even if they think badly of you, don't let it phase you one bit or act like it bothers you at all. Continue being polite and friendly around them. If they still think not so highly of you, it's their problem, not yours. Don't let it affect you.


Good luck! :)

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