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Chalandria Salem

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Chalandria Salem



I need some help. You see, I am 15 an dmy boyfriend is 19, we've been going out for almost 3 months now. But the week after we started going out he told his parents and they told him that if we continued going out that he would ahve to move out. So we pretended to break up, but we never really did. And we used to see each other at school, but in the fall he's going to college. It's in our town, but I'll still be in high school. So right now I have not seen him since school ended. I was away for two weeks, but i got home and called him and he was supposed to come and visit me, and he still hasn't and I'm not sure that he still likes me. I ahve no idea what to do. Do i break up with him? or what? I dunno. PLEASE HELP ME I REALLY NEED ADVICE!

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I need some help. You see, I am 15 an dmy boyfriend is 19, we've been going out for almost 3 months now. But the week after we started going out he told his parents and they told him that if we continued going out that he would ahve to move out. So we pretended to break up, but we never really did. And we used to see each other at school, but in the fall he's going to college. It's in our town, but I'll still be in high school. So right now I have not seen him since school ended. I was away for two weeks, but i got home and called him and he was supposed to come and visit me, and he still hasn't and I'm not sure that he still likes me. I ahve no idea what to do. Do i break up with him? or what? I dunno. PLEASE HELP ME I REALLY NEED ADVICE!

He's 19...you are 15. That's all there is to this....don't continue this relationship. You can't possibly be on the same level as a *healthy* 19 year old college-bound male, and a *healthy* 19 year old should be acting like an adult instead of taking advantage of a situation like this. If he was a decent guy, he would know that it's not in your best interest for HIM to be messing around with you. It's just pathetic on his part...pathetic. I won't even start into the legal issues. Find someone closer to your age and in your peer group. You wouldn't date a 12 year old guy, would you?

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Chalandria Salem
He's 19...you are 15. That's all there is to this....don't continue this relationship. You can't possibly be on the same level as a *healthy* 19 year old college-bound male, and a *healthy* 19 year old should be acting like an adult instead of taking advantage of a situation like this. If he was a decent guy, he would know that it's not in your best interest for HIM to be messing around with you. It's just pathetic on his part...pathetic. I won't even start into the legal issues. Find someone closer to your age and in your peer group. You wouldn't date a 12 year old guy, would you?



Ok thankx for the advice, but what do u mean by *healthy* ??


And what do you mean by taking advantage of a situation like this??? He's not taking advantage of anything. We're not sleeping together or anything like that. We're not even fooling around, alot. And he is a DECENT guy. VERY DECENT!


ThANKX ne way



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He's 19...you are 15. That's all there is to this....don't continue this relationship. You can't possibly be on the same level as a *healthy* 19 year old college-bound male, and a *healthy* 19 year old should be acting like an adult instead of taking advantage of a situation like this. If he was a decent guy, he would know that it's not in your best interest for HIM to be messing around with you. It's just pathetic on his part...pathetic. I won't even start into the legal issues. Find someone closer to your age and in your peer group. You wouldn't date a 12 year old guy, would you?


I think 'Chalandria' summed up an excellent response for you to hear and consider, especially the 'age' issue here in Australia being intimately close with someone under 16 is referred to 'having sexual intercourse with a minor' which is a punishable offence, Im not sure but I think it is legally viewed upon much worse over there, you are placing this young man in a very potentially serious situation that could hurt legally. You are a sweet and young woman of 15 years, plenty of time for love and romance later, even though this may be 'a no fun' response for you... but I assure you i remember how giddy and 'butterflies-in-my-stomach' love and romance was at your age, but I would have done better to concentrate on being a happy and carefee teenager, you are way to precious to burden youself with serious relationship concerns, at this age anyway. Listen to your Mum and Dad, respect their authority life will be much easier, I thought it was very 'uncool' to listen to the 'oldies' point of view or respect their wishes, but I feel your Mum and Dad are being 'wowsers' in your eyes because they love you and feel it very unnecessary for you to be in any serious kind of relationship at the moment, especially someone 19... when you are 19 one day and you find youself caring for someone who is perhaps 23 (four years older).. you will be much more able to understand that an age gap of four years then is very different to four years now. Learn to love yourself, enjoy being with your friends, and appreciate how wonderful it is to have parents who care enough about you to say 'no' because they love you, not because they are being 'wowsers'...take care, ...from Bethbonnie xx


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Hi, thankx for replying to my letter. But I am NOT sleeping with my boyfriend. Wwe have only madeout. Adn my parents know that I am not sleeping with him and that I don't plan on sleeping with anyone for a very long time and they very much like him. THey see nothing wrong with us going out. It's just his parents who don't want us to.


thankx ne way



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Hi, thankx for replying to my letter. But I am NOT sleeping with my boyfriend. Wwe have only madeout. Adn my parents know that I am not sleeping with him and that I don't plan on sleeping with anyone for a very long time and they very much like him. THey see nothing wrong with us going out. It's just his parents who don't want us to. thankx ne way Chal ok, sorry I misunderstood. Hope all works out for you both in the future.


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