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i can't be with them

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2 things i need help with



1)i had a few problems over the past year i tried to kill my self over my ex but i got a new boyfriend simon and my best mate and him got on really well then she started hittin him (witch is the first 3 signs of fancying somone) it upsets me as she always watches us and wen i got to his she wants to come i tried talkin to her but she ignores me i fell like cryin as they can't get on and she admited to likeing him:(




2) my boyfriend has a twin me and her was mates before me and him got together but he mate who's younger then me and him she 14 and his 16 she keeps tellin people at school that they had sex and that he said she a better girlfriend and stuff like she much better then me it hurts me as a year has gone and this has started from the day me and him started i can't hit her as im not hard or a fav of bullies and everyone hates me i want some way to tell her or show her she not gettin him or anything from him he promised me he wouldn't but she see the stuff he buys me before i get it off him



please help me as i don't know wat to do anymore


stace (hated by many) (15):(

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