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Sort of cheated - torn

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Nonsense, who is going to be blabbing here?

The guy she slept with is hardly going to be shouting that out that from the roof tops and who else knows apart from the OP. Its old news and unless she decided to spill the beans she could easily take this to her grave.

Why ruin things?

Her bf may not be that innocent here either but it is water under the bridge and never needs to be spoken of again...



And you have no guarantees that this won't get to the boyfriend either--because you don't know who any of them knows and you don't know if anyone in her social circle is actually her frenemy and looking for a reason because she's that miserable of a human being that she'll start some mess.



The truth always finds its way to daylight, especially when it's least convenient for the liar. Best to be on the right side of this when it lands on the head.

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Turning point
If you want to be single again then tell him as that is where telling him will lead...


Agreed. If not now then months or years down the road after he continues to drag it back up over and over; and she his dating app habit.


I think both of them failed to connect initially. Now they appear to have found that connection and a desire to keep it. BOTH of them would be wise to refrain from trying to reinvent their past.


The race is already underway - returning to the start line because you don't like the way you got out of the gate serves no one.

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Turning point

The truth always finds its way to daylight, ...


"Truth" is not a synonym for "information." The OP and her boyfriend are presently living the truth of their relationship having arrived at a meeting point after a rocky start on both sides. Neither of them owes the other full disclosure about how they arrived at that mutual destination.


I think a lot of people are erroneously applying an infidelity standard to a very early dating disconnect and there is no moral imperative here. This is a case of self-deception, where neither one of them anticipated a real relationship.


It's unclear to me if the OP feels guilty about this past incident - or about finally being happy. She's the only one who can sort that out. Perhaps she'll update us when she does.

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No sign of the OP so we'll close this one up. Thanks all for your input.

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