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Tony , how on earth could you wonder if Canadace and I were the same person??

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Okay, first I must apologize to you and Canadace for lumping you two together in my last post about having "holier than thou" attitudes. (Candace never did respond to any of my posts) I wanted to say that we should all make peace with each other.


But Tony, why would you assume Candace and I were one person? Just because she was involved with a married man doesn't mean mean I was posting a problem under another name. I thought you were more perceptive than that Tony. I mean, can't you recognize that were have completely different writing styles?


PS A mench just means a decent person in Yiddish

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I did not make an assumption...only a speculation. It really isn't nearly as important in my mind right now as the rising price of gas or when I'm going to get enough courage to have the root canal I need.


This happened during an obvious brain fart on my part. I tried to explain to you earlier...but I followed a thread below that began with a post from Pamela...and then Candace jumped in...and somehow I made a connection. What I think, assume or conjecture has absolutely no affect on your life whatsoever...so stop worrying about it...Please. I have dropped it and I hope you will too.


For your information, I almost never analyze posts...who they are from, etc. I only made a connection in this particular case for the reason I discussed in the second paragraph above. I read posts and answer them and forget about them. I don't marry myself to any particular poster or problem...not in cyberspace or in real life. I am nicer to myself than to any other person on the planet and I hope you will do that for yourself as well.


Can you imagine if Copernicus, Pasteur, Lincoln, Edison, Franklin, DiVinci, Michelangelo, Picasso, etc. would have had Internet access and been so preoccupied with Internet forums that their contributions to the world were never executed?


Come on??? You MUST have more important things to be concerned about that my impressions of who is posting what on whom whenever for whatever however!!!

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For your information, I almost never analyze posts...who they are from, etc. I only made a connection in this particular case for the reason I discussed in the second paragraph above. I read posts and answer them and forget about them.


You sound like a typical MALE from the book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"

Come on??? You MUST have more important things to be concerned about that my impressions of who is posting what on whom whenever for whatever however!!!


I can't say I'm not concerned or don't care about your impressions here because I like you.

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