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am i being too sensitive?

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the bf and i have been really great so far...i was all worried over the summer since we were gonna have to do the long distance thing again for school...but everything's been really great :) however, tonight, we were talking for a really long time...and he said some things about how i should do this and that during sex...and how he thinks i should wear tighter jeans...maybe not a big deal, but being me, i overanalyzed his comments...in a joking way, i was like "don't you think i'm already perfect?" and he was like "yeah of course, i'm happy with everything, but i'm just letting you know what you could do make it better.." umm okayyyyy....


and now i'm just overthinking some more...does he want me to be a different person? gah i dunno!

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Maybe not a different person, but the same person with some of his own personal preferences reflected. Given your history though, its hard to say what his motivations for this are.


What about you? Are there things about him that you would want to see 'tweaked'? Do you feel comfortable enough voicing that if it were the case?

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