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He doesn't love me the same way

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To make a long story as short as possible. I'm friends with a couple who are very much in love. I've tried to be supportive to both of them through out their ups and downs. I would say I am a closer friend to him than I am to her. I love him, he knows this, and so does she, but they both trust me, and they can, as I would never do anything to jepordize their relationship. That's just the short version, but to go into tedious details would be meaningless. The problem is this, I know I should move on to another relationship and try to find my own sense of happiness, but I find it very difficult to do so.


All I can do is constantly think about him. I selfishlessly wait around in the background waiting and hoping something will come up and they will need me, my advice, support, anything, just so I can be near him, rediculous I know. How do I move on, how do I get him out of my mind, this is driving me crazy, I've never loved anyone this way before, yet I know it's wrong. I just want to get over this, but for some reason I can't seem to. ;(

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I'm friends with a couple who are very much in love.



REPEAT this to yourself over and over.

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That's a nice quote from Staind. Very Appropriate.


The truth is that it is easy for people not in the same situation to give the advice to walk away. But as you and I know, sometimes it is not that easy. Your probably one of those people that is never really interested in anyone, then when you are it is very intense. Only you really know what is really there. I've been in this sitaution more times than I care to remember. They are right though. Get away from the situation, get your bearings and hang out with other people. I know it is hard to do, but just try it and when you meet someone, you probably won't think twice about your problem.


Well, Hurricane Rita is 2 hours away from my house so here's hoping I don't die or lose everything.

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I know yall are right, I have been avoiding making new friends, I've even refused advances from some pretty nice guys, maybe I just need to take that baby step forward. Thanks yall. :)

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I know that we have a tendency to rush into things but remember that you have the rest of your life. When you fix yourself the rest will just fall into place. Make yourself happy and the rest just will not matter.


Winds are picking up. Gotta Go.



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I think you have something there Jade, the key truely is making yourself happy. I reckon I just have to let go of him, and move forward, and somehow some way, I'll manage to do that.

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