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First proper girlfriend

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im 17 years old and i think i am just about to get a proper girlfriend for the first time. She is a stunning looking girl and i am really falling for her. I know it may seem sad or wateva having a first girlfriend at 17 but its not that i havent had offers because without sounding bigheaded i have been told i am very good lokking, but it has just been that i havent wanted 1. Until this girl came laong and she is too hot to turn down. Everything seems fine but im just not sure what to do. I mean should i go round her house or mine every night and what stuff we can do together?

Also, im not sure whether to tell her something about me now. I have a scar on my shoulder/chest which is pretty big but by no means huge and i feel as though i should tell her as it may effect how she feels but should i tell and if so how.

Id really appreciate your help in getting me going because i dont want to seem an idiot infront of her.



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