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Best career for me

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How are we supposed to know?


What are you interests? What is your level of education? How hard do you want to work? What are you goals? Do you want to feed your soul or are you all about making money? What are you good at?

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Which career option is best for me ?


I recommend either e-gaming superstar, social media mega influencer or best-selling rap artist.


If those fail, LoveShack moderator ...


Mr. Lucky

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A career where you can be your own boss, or failing that, something where at least you do not have people looking over your shoulder,

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Happy Lemming

Did you take the SAT's?? If so, perhaps the scores in each section may point you in a direction of your strengths.


As an example: I scored very high in the "Math" section, so I went into Accounting as a profession.


My girlfriend loves to read and scored very high in the "Reading" section, she became a teacher, then specialized as an English teacher at a college.

Edited by Happy Lemming
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Something that can’t be automated.


like ice cream barista at baskin robbins?

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Thanks for your awesome recommends, I definitely work on these topics, maybe it's really helpful to me. I think social media influencer is the best thing to do. I try for it.

Thanks again...

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I recommend either e-gaming superstar, social media mega influencer or best-selling rap artist.


If those fail, LoveShack moderator ...


Mr. Lucky



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How about something that you truly enjoy....that you look forward

to doing each and every day.....so many people I know simply

exist in their work world

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I think social media influencer is the best thing to do. I try for it.


Uh oh....


Mr. Lucky

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