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I was a morning proctor at a boarding school this year. I drove 30 miles each way to be there at the crack of dawn, hand out meds to those taking meds, and made sure all were off to school on time. We had a rocky road but I think we ended the year on a good note. Today was the last day, I went across the way to the commons for a staff lunch. Then went home. At home I get a phone call from the HR department and she said they are doing some restructuring and my position was being eliminated. Neither of my bosses knew about this, I had even thrown my hat into the ring saying I wanted to move in next year. I confirmed this when I returned this evening for our end of the year party. Neither of them knew about it, one had given his notice so he was already out the door. The other and I had some rough days and I had to learn to temper our conversations on my part. But I told her that this had happened and she seemed surprised. I told her that the HR person said to me that my boss who is remaining will be doing my job. I said I didn't want to bring it up to dampen the good feelings of the end of the year, but I said my good-byes and left with class.


Also rather blue because I have been teaching for more or less 5 years now and I can't get anyone to sign the non tax license so that I can teach full time (or even part time). Tomorrow's a new day.

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Happy Lemming

This might be a blessing in disguise... It seemed (at least in the beginning) they didn't treat you very well and expected you to be up to speed without a learning curve. I think you'll be happier when you find your next opportunity.


Crossing my fingers you find something better and soon!

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Don't know what the charter school situation is in Ohio but where I live they seem to be doing most of the teacher hiring. Is that a door open to you?


Mr. Lucky

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Also rather blue because I have been teaching for more or less 5 years now and I can't get anyone to sign the non tax license so that I can teach full time (or even part time).


I'm not a teacher so I'm not familiar.....what does this mean?

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I'm not a teacher so I'm not familiar.....what does this mean?


YOu must pass a test issued by your state's department of education to be a teacher to teach in public schools. All non public schools have something called a non tax license where you sort of but not really have at least permission to teach full time (or part time in some situations) in a non public school (which includes parochial schools, as well as teaching in settings outside of a school setting - ex. adult GED classes in prisons). They will not give you this unless they agree to hire you full time. I tried to question someone in administration as to what the steps are/are not to get this place to sign it, but they said they would not unless they were hiring me full time, which they were not. I am tired of the struggles. It's really terrible that people don't want you to succeed in life, and especially not in this area as it seems.

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my understanding mortensorchid is that many urban schools have many job openings whereas the schools in the nicer surbuban areas have very few openings. is this your experience?

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my understanding mortensorchid is that many urban schools have many job openings whereas the schools in the nicer surbuban areas have very few openings. is this your experience?


My wife taught for 30 years, certainly true in my experience. There's also much higher demand in certain specialties - STEM, special education, ESL, etc...


Mr. Lucky

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my understanding mortensorchid is that many urban schools have many job openings whereas the schools in the nicer surbuban areas have very few openings. is this your experience?


THis is the case no matter where you live. IN the city, the kids are out of control. Behaviors are of great concern to others when you are teaching.

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In my last post referenced to loosing the job at the boarding school, I went to the end of the year party that night for the dorm staff. I told both my bosses that I was not returning next year. Both of them seemed surprised to hear, I said I got a call from HR when I got home that they are eliminating my position. One of the two bosses has already given his notice, and according to the HR woman, the remaining boss will be taking over my duties. THere was another woman proctor and a man proctor in the building who were just proctors and had other jobs outside of there. One quit before spring break. The other said he will probably be axed as well. True, they are trying to cut corners and they want someone to live there who is working as a teacher or coach to make it more profitable.


Hurt? Well, yes, but I am ... A bit more hurt now. I said to everyone on staff once I said my good-byes that now we can be friends on Facebook (because you don't friend coworkers, only former ones). None of them have friended me even though I sent them requests.


Just like that, it's done. Moving on.

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In my last post referenced to loosing the job at the boarding school, I went to the end of the year party that night for the dorm staff. I told both my bosses that I was not returning next year. Both of them seemed surprised to hear, I said I got a call from HR when I got home that they are eliminating my position. One of the two bosses has already given his notice, and according to the HR woman, the remaining boss will be taking over my duties. THere was another woman proctor and a man proctor in the building who were just proctors and had other jobs outside of there. One quit before spring break. The other said he will probably be axed as well. True, they are trying to cut corners and they want someone to live there who is working as a teacher or coach to make it more profitable.


Hurt? Well, yes, but I am ... A bit more hurt now. I said to everyone on staff once I said my good-byes that now we can be friends on Facebook (because you don't friend coworkers, only former ones). None of them have friended me even though I sent them requests.


Just like that, it's done. Moving on.


How long ago was this? I sent friend requests two weeks ago to two people (my second cousin and her husband) who I connected with while on vacation when they were tour guides to my mom and me, and neither have accepted yet. I'm not bent out of shape about it. I think they probably are just not on FB as much as I am.

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Eternal Sunshine

I don't care anymore when people don't respond to friend requests. I figure they are probably just trying to hide something.



Their loss ;)

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Happy Lemming
None of them have friended me even though I sent them requests.


You don't need them... You've got all of us here at LS!!

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I checked the friend requests. One has seen me and denied the request. Well that's great isn't it? Coworkers certainly are not friends. Moving on.

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Happy Lemming
Coworkers certainly are not friends.


That is a true statement!! No matter how friendly a co-worker seems, they will stab you in the back first chance they get. I learned that from my very first job.


After that, I always compartmentalize. Work is work. Personal is Personal. Never the two shall meet.


When leaving a job, I get a letter of recommendation, so I don't have to contact them for a reference for future jobs.

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The Outlaw

I haven't sent out any 'friend' request on my FB for quite awhile, but I've been deleting a few here and there that richly deserved it. But seriously, take their ignorance with a grain of salt. If they ignore your request like that, they weren't worth your time in the first place. Their actions have spoken for them.

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I checked the friend requests. One has seen me and denied the request. Well that's great isn't it? Coworkers certainly are not friends. Moving on.


Did she just ignore your request, or did she blatantly deny it? I have ignored a few acquaintances myself ;)

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If you scroll back in the threads, I asked him if he wanted to go to breakfast on the last day before winter break. He canceled at the last minute via text and asked for a rain check. I asked him again before spring break and he said he had something else to do and canceled a second time because he was going home earlier than he thought he was going to. He said he was really sorry he was not ignoring me, he said he'd pay for my food. The ball was in his court, I never asked him again and he never brought it up again.


We exchanged a few text messages business and personal, then one day about a month ago he stopped responding to me. I text him yesterday, no response. A few hours later I texted him and said "Well I suppose this is our official goodbye now by your silence. Godspeed." No response. Clearly not interested in me.


Unfortunately I have seen behaviors like this in past jobs as well as once you graduate from schools - once it's done, everyone just closes the books and moves on. Apathy. It's just as well I suppose. Coworkers are not friends, don't think that they are for a minute. I don't friend coworkers on social networking while we are working together, only former ones. All of them rejected the requests or ignored them. So I blocked them. We're done.


Hurtful, but people are apathetic.

Edited by mortensorchid
Adding a few details
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