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The Flirting Machine!!!!!!!!!!

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My ex-girlfriend is flirting with me and like today she told me to move on and that she might not be single for long, is this a hint that she found someone else. I mean she called me every night and always touched and looked at me, I bitched her out b/c she said that she might not be single for long but then she says thats her personality and she does it to everyone but why does she do this to me, it hurts me for her to do this and I fall for it all the time. I LOVE THIS GIRL TO DEATH AND IT HAS BEEN ALMOST A YEAR SINCE I LIKED HER AND WE ONLY HAVE BEEN GOING OUT FOR LIKE 3 MONTHS OUT OF THAT YEAR but is she trying to hurt me or what, idk really. Give me a holla when you get this I want to know what you think on this situation.:(

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you b!tched her out good. Screw the personality thingy. She's on an ego trip. Ask her what's the deal with the <... might not be single for long> thingy.


Think self-preservation dude; you'd better run. If you think she's takin' you for a ride, then she probably is. I hate it when I get played. I would show her the door.

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