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In a rough place - thoughts appreciated

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You know I was done with this thread but you're going to have your big relationship discussion in the next few days? Is that before or after he celebrates his wedding anniversary with his wife?

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Do you really think you can have this supposed discussion and trust what he is saying?



For me it is better to have the conversation than not to talk about it. I will not see him again for another four weeks or so after that so it is important to me to at least take the opportunity.

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You know I was done with this thread but you're going to have your big relationship discussion in the next few days? Is that before or after he celebrates his wedding anniversary with his wife?


It will be several days before.

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For me it is better to have the conversation than not to talk about it. I will not see him again for another four weeks or so after that so it is important to me to at least take the opportunity.


Just understand it will be futile. He will tell you he loves you, wants to be with you, but he cannot leave just yet. Another set back.


And you'll believe he means it. And you'll stay stuck in this cycle. You'll hack home, alone and lonely. Meanwhile he goes home, to snuggle at night with his wife. You're sitting alone and pining away for him, he is with his wife and you are third down his list again.

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When I was first with xMM, it was hard not to lie to my H. I actually went out of my way not to lie...I would "stretch the truth." But as time went on, it became easier and easier to "stretch the truth." With my H, with xMM, with myself.


I clearly remember having conversations with my H, or with xMM, and not thinking "I am going to lie to him right now" but thinking more "what can I say to move this conversation on with the least amount of drama possible."


I "stretched the truth" because I couldn't/didn't want to deal with it or face it. Again, another good reason for you to bow out for a while...let him work through his crap without you around. So if you do talk to him again in six months, and if he's like "here's the thinking I've done, here's the steps I've taken," you can address it with a much clearer and stronger mindset. It's like right now both your cars are spinning around, creating big dust bowls, but neither of you are stopping to let the dust settle in order to see which way to go.

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Maybe. He actually hasn’t said he loves me in the last couple of weeks although has been affectionate otherwise. It’s one of the things I want to talk about. I mentioned yesterday that it feel like we are back in the first couple of months of our relationship - somewhat similar behavior in terms of lots of communication and affection but no “I love yous” or future relationship talk.

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He doesn’t quite have everything he wants- he would rather be in an uncomplicated relationship because it’s way less stress. He would like to see more of me and can’t now due to LD. He would like to fight less with his wife. He wants to be able to do the kinds of activities that he and I do together and she can’t or won’t, e.g camping. He wants to see his kid more often. He world is far from perfect.


Oh but he's getting much more of what he wants than most people. He gets his marriage and all of the benefits of that plus his girlfriend on the side to fill the needs that his wife doesn't meet. Most people have to pick on or the other and make the most of that choice. Your MM is thinking why pick when I can have both? He isn't conflicted, he's selfish.

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Unless he comes right out and tells you that he is never going to leave his marriage, you're probably not going to come away from your discussion knowing anymore than you know now. He will say the right things to keep you hoping but nothing will be definite. If he's really clever he will get you believing that he's going to leave on another far off date. Something like "well I can't just ditch my wife the moment she completes school because that will cost me to much money in support. I have to wait for her to get a job and be financially secure before I leave. That could take another 6 months, maybe even a year, but think of of all the money I'll save in alimony. I know it's hard, I'm suffering too! But I'm doing it for us, so you and I can have a better future."


Okay, he probably won't say those exact words, he'll phrase it in his own way and in a way that he knows will sound believable to you. He might not even have to be that specific as right now it seems that you are willing to cling to any shred of hope he gives you. He might only have to say he's seriously considering leaving his marriage, maybe, possibly at some undetermined time in the future, and that might be enough for you to keep hanging on.

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This is him ONLY grooming you heavily to continue being his OW.


Don’t be disappointed when he says he can’t leave his marriage. That’s a lie too - because he CAN leave the marriage - he just doesn’t want to.


You are believing his lies - please open your eyes - he’s a typical cheater who wants you as his OW.


When he showed up today why didn’t you point blank say “why are you here and why are you stringing me along? When do you plan to divorce?”


He wasting your time. He’s using you. He never gonna tell you that. But know it fully well.


Hi OP - I haven’t chimed in as I was a MOW who never wanted xMM to leave so didn’t necessarily feel like my feedback was relevant, but I greatly agree with S2Bs recents posts above.


I don’t think anyone can convince you he doesn’t care for you, he probably does in his self-serving way, but he is going to keep reducing you to rubble. Little by little in ways that seem like “conflict” for him, but really are very strong signals to tell you what his intentions are.


I don’t believe my xMM is as smart and calculating like many people on these boards portray them. He just was a cake eater, and you know what? So was I. I think yours, and mine are very broken, confused people and rather than addressing what is leading them to stray, they look for side relationships to validate them. I was much the same and it caused me to make very poor choices I will regret forever. Only after much time and work can I see how badly this pattern of push-pull that I thought “was him loving me” has harmed me and my mental well being.


I think you are very afraid to hold his feet to the fire and have a direct conversation now because you know you won’t like what you hear. Why wait a month? You talk for hours a day....get your answers now and then give yourself the time and space with no contact to show him that you are worth more. Bitter sweetie suggested 6 months, I couldn’t agree more. Use the 6 months to become the best version of you possible. I know it will be painful, but you will be better for it.


You seem like a strong lady. I know you will need to come to these realizations in your own time. I too was very stubborn and wish I’d found these boards earlier. I know many have been rough on you but I hope you keep coming back. All the best to you.

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For me it is better to have the conversation than not to talk about it. I will not see him again for another four weeks or so after that so it is important to me to at least take the opportunity.


What are you going to ask him? What will you do if he says yes, no, or maybe?

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Oh but he's getting much more of what he wants than most people. He gets his marriage and all of the benefits of that plus his girlfriend on the side to fill the needs that his wife doesn't meet. Most people have to pick one or the other.



And your comment about the wife, that maybe someday she will find someone who meets all her needs...


It goes without saying, but nobody meets “all your needs” in any relationship. But, very few people feel entitled to find someone else to fill in the gaps...

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Turning point
I mentioned yesterday that it feel like we are back in the first couple of months of our relationship ...


You're not in a relationship. You have an "arrangement." It's also a very unreliable arrangement.


He sleeps with someone else. He lives with someone else. He produces off-spring with someone else. He manages his finances with someone else. He celebrates anniversaries with someone else. He invokes "complications" with someone else.


What exactly do you do for him? What exactly is it he does for you?

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He actually hasn’t said he loves me in the last couple of weeks although has been affectionate otherwise.... Lots of communication and affection but no “I love yous” or future relationship talk.


Typical of a man who is enjoying the affair experience, but not planning to leave his wife. Again, you are thinking monogamously... he is not. He is sending some lovely works and a little affection your way, hoping that it is enough to distract you and keep you happy such that you won’t notice that he’s not making plans to leave his wife or promising you a future.

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And your comment about the wife, that maybe someday she will find someone who meets all her needs...


It goes without saying, but nobody meets “all your needs” in any relationship. But, very few people feel entitled to find someone else to fill in the gaps...


Yes, maybe some day the BW will find someone who loves her as much as the MM loves the OW if she's really lucky, and they'll all live happily ever after with their twin flames and there won't be any relationship issues because this all only happened because the MM and the BW got married to the wrong people, and if she weren't such a manipulative kill-joy she would have figured this out already and probably planned the MM and OW's wedding herself . . .


Asaysno, the premise that the affair is caused by a mismatched marriage is a faulty one. Two healthy people can make a marriage work if they want to. And a healthy person married to an unhealthy person doesn't solve that problem with an affair.

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You're not in a relationship. You have an "arrangement." It's also a very unreliable arrangement.



What exactly do you do for him? What exactly is it he does for you?


We have a fantastic time when we are together - and I’m not talking about the physical part. We share common interests and a common sense of humor and we find each other joyful to be around.

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We have a fantastic time when we are together - and I’m not talking about the physical part. We share common interests and a common sense of humor and we find each other joyful to be around.


He feels the same way about his wife, except that they have built a whole life together.


You sound EXACTLY like me when I was desperately clinging to hope in my affair. He's happy around you because HE has everything HE wants..but you don't.


You are better than this.

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Turning point
I can tell there is a hell of a lot of conflict in his mind right now,


The conflict is that you're too invested now. You're calling this arrangement a "relationship" and he needs to either dial back your expectations or replace you with a new arrangement.


Dumping you is too dangerous and he'd rather it be you who does the dumping. Moving on to a new and less invested mistress would be ideal - but, it's also a lot more work than simply getting you to lower your expectations.


My guess is you're on the downhill side of this journey. All that future faking made the anticipation and sex hotter but, I think this has run it's course and the campfire will burn out unless you agree to fall back to a smoldering side arrangement.

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We have a fantastic time when we are together - and I’m not talking about the physical part. We share common interests and a common sense of humor and we find each other joyful to be around.


This doesn't seem particularly unique or hard to find to me. I'm interesting and funny and pretty joyful in general, and I seem to find myself surrounded with similar people. Is this genuinely hard to find and something you should put up with complicated and immoral circumstances to obtain, or are these justifications?

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I don’t make friends particularly easily, so the connection and experience, even and especially pre-affair is unique for me.

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I appreciate your honesty.


I'm not a bubbly person by any means. I'm rather reserved and clinical. But I find when my heart is open to others, they usually respond in kind.


I hope you'll explore this in therapy. Meaningful connections happen organically when our cup of self-love is full and runs over to those around us. We don't have to force it, and we don't have to put up with less than we deserve to get it.

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Yep, he broke it off with you.


And yet, you ALLOW him to continue on. You have shown him you will take whatever you can get from him. However small. So now he is thrilled. He has a little toy he can take out when he is bored.

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Turning point
... when we are together ...


But you're not "together."

Together is not measured merely by time spent or an experience shared.


Who does he live with? Who's children does he protect? (His wife.)


Who does he walk away from when this conflict arises? (You.)

To whom does her return to settle the conflict? (His wife.)


You are not together and you are not in a relationship.

You are being used. Perhaps you are using him as well.


What do you truly desire for yourself?

This "arrangement" is way to avoid a question the answer to which, you fear is beyond your reach. Whether it is or not and what your life could be pales in comparison to what you have settled for.

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You asking him at this point is ridiculous and makes you look needy and desperate.


You already know! He will use you to enjoy during work time. He doesn’t plan a future with you. He will have sex with you. But he won’t compromise his home life for you!


Asking is silly now - he already told you your position is lowered and you don’t seem to want to accept that.


It is what it is. Either be lower or leave. But stop thinking he needs to explain more to you - he already did that - and you made the agreement solidwhenyou accepted what little crumbs he’s tossed your way this past week.


He’s just happy you’ve accepted the lowered role and his crumbs willingly.


What's the point in holding back now? She should go ahead and ask..maybe his answer will open her eyes a bit.

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Turning point
I don’t make friends particularly easily, so the connection and experience, even and especially pre-affair is unique for me.


I completely get that.

But in all care and true sincerity, real friends don't do this too you. They don't steer that connection and great experience into something so perversely dangerous to your emotional health.


The first step to making friends and connections more easily is believing you are worthy of them. Worthy not because someone flattered you, romanticized you, etc. - but, because you actually know and trust yourself to be worthy and valued. With that you see boundaries - those you have for yourself, and those around others that tell the real truth of their existence.

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