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Excercise and Diet

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Hey all,


I have been struggling with excercise rountines and diet, my abs need to be worked on as I have a pot belly, my inner thighs are looking awful and my love handles are well obvious love handles. I am 21, 5'5 and my weight flucuates from a 120 - 145. I set myself to go to the gym for like 3 - 5 times a week but lately I have been so lazy to go and I seem to give into the unhealthy diet time and time again.


What would any of you suggest for a excercise regimen especially for the abs to begin flattening and building up a nice six pack. As well as ridding of my inner thigh's fat, scultping my body to where my love handles are gone and the usual workout to loose weight and stay fit.


As well as the diet plan I should maintain to not overdue my calorie intake. I need help, I really want to achieve a great, fit, sexy body. But without paying a personal trainer to spend on and maybe home excercises to quit my gym membership. Any advice would be considered:)

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Awake kind of late for a Washingtonian. Or is it D.C? Anyway, getting to your post, that is a mighty big flucuation you have there. That big of a swing is not very good. For a true six pack, you need like 8% body fat. I would suggest Pilates and aerobic exercise. Maybe use a swiss ball for ab exercises. Do some core training. Once you get into going to the gym, your endorphin level will grow and you will want to work out. Or you could try the EAS body-for-life program. Google EAS.


By the way, what part of WA?

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You need to couple a healthy diet with a good amount of cardio and body sculpting exercises.


Everyone has different diets and their bodies need different things but as long as you eat healthy, maintain a balanced diet, and drink plenty of water your diet should be fine.


For exercise, I would recommend to get in as much cardio as you can. If you can do at least 3-5 days a week for 45 minutes it can work for you. To get the toned body you want you need body sculpting exercises. 2-4 days a week you should spend time using light weights with heavy repetitions, usually an hour session. You can do squats and lunges (side lunges will help with your inner thighs). You can also do arm exercises like flys, french curls, bicep cirls, etc. Many gyms have classes like this, I don't know what Washington has to offer but I would have to imagine that the gyms will offer a strength training/body sculpting class. As Chaz suggested, pilates will also help to strengthen your core.


Good luck

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What do you think abour bowflex machines? or even to purchase a wieght lifting set and a cardip machine like a treadmill or star climber? I figure thats all I need. I also have Gunnar Petersons CORE training dvds.

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Go buy the "body for life" and follow the program. you will build your six pack, and sculpt your body into the body you want. It worked wonders for me.


As for understanding how to get a six pack. It's about 70% diet and 30% exercise. You have to get your body fat down to 10-11% to see your ab muscles, and lower then that, you get really nice groove definition. It takes a long time to get down to a good ripped six pack (even an 8 pack if you're genetically inclined) and a lot of very strict monitoring of your diet, but everyone can do it, if they practice discipline and eat and workout accordingly.


Understand your reasons and motivations to get into that kind of shape, and then follow and believe in your ability. You will suceed if you remain focused and disciplined.





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I really think you need to keep your exercise routine 'fresh and enjoyable' if your to achieve your long term goals.


Alot of people seem to get fed up or bored whilst exercisng, especially if they dont see fast improvements.... and hence they quit and fall back into bad habbits.


Getting a treadmill or stairmaster at home sounds convieniant but god! after a few weeks of that it would get very boring. I really recommend walking or running outside, whereby you have a few different routes you could take, adding variety to your training.


Training with a freind who also has similar goals helps with your motivation, so see if you can get a buddy to join ya.


In regards to food, there is no need to totally cut away all your favourite foods. Treat yourself once a week ( Like on a saturday ) if you have had a good week training, and get yourself the foods you like to have e'g pizza.


Good luck and I hope you can achieve your goals.

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