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Please help, I'm a bit nervous

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I've been dating this guy for forever. We have sex and stuff, but I've never given him a BJ. He wants me to and I want to but I've never done it before. I am afraid that he won't like it so could you please give me some tips on what to do to make him really enjoy it?

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yeah, open wide, or small, whatever the case my be.

I've been dating this guy for forever. We have sex and stuff, but I've never given him a BJ. He wants me to and I want to but I've never done it before. I am afraid that he won't like it so could you please give me some tips on what to do to make him really enjoy it?
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If you've been dating this guy forever, you should have NO PROBLEM feeling comfortable enough to ask him how he enjoys it and what he wants you to do.


Everyone has his own preferences, so we can't tell you what YOUR boyfriend will enjoy. Ask him. He'll answer your question better than any of us can.


You just gotta try it, and then get his feedback/comments and suggestions afterwards.


After all, practice makes perfect.

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