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No Response to my compliment

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I am pretty good friends with this girl I met 3 month ago. I am kinda romantically interested in her so rn I am trying to change the tone of the conversation.


Today she told me that she is going to change her profile picture on fb. So I asked her if I can see which one she would choose. She send me 4 pictures. I said thank you :) and she just said “hahaaha”. I told her that she should use the third one because it looks really cute. And she just replied with “maybe but there are more pictures”.


Why is she like basically ignoring my compliment? I am scared now to say more “romatic-ish” stuff. Is she just not interested? And if she isn’t interested, isn’t it just polite to say thank you no matter what? At least that’s what my parents tought me!

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I wouldn't draw any hard and fast conclusions from her response. She might have been considering your comment and whether she wants her profile pic to be cute.

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Maybe she's not sure you meant anything by the "cute" comment about her picture so she's not addressing it.


If I guy friend (whether or not I might be interested in more) made that comment to me I wouldn't automatically take it as his expressing interest in me - just as an evaluation of the picture.

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Yeahh kinda guessed that still somehow rude to not even say “thank you” imo especially since we are pretty close!


I wouldn't call your "use the third one because you look really cute" a compliment. It was a critique on her other pictures, it was encouraging her to use one that would get her the most attention as well which may have led her to believe that you don't care if she gets other male attention.


If you like her as more than a friend then ask her out on a date and use the word "date" when you invite her and if she turns you down, then you can get over your crush on her because clearly she is not feeling about you, what you were feeling about her and you can stop wasting your time on her in romantic pursuit.

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Why don’t you just tell her how you feel?


Just be honest, if you crash and burn then so be it. At least be man enough to be honest about it.

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Maybe she's not sure you meant anything by the "cute" comment about her picture so she's not addressing it.


If I guy friend (whether or not I might be interested in more) made that comment to me I wouldn't automatically take it as his expressing interest in me - just as an evaluation of the picture.


I agree with the above. Your comment was just kinda matter of fact "that one of you looks cute". I wouldn't have commented either. If you had said "wow, you're gorgeous in the 3rd pic" then I would take notice.

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Michelle ma Belle

You both sound young.


I too wouldn't read too much into but I will say that many girls (and women) typically have a hard time receiving compliments. We are often raised not to accept or agree as it makes us seem conceited.


Bottom line is if you're interested in her then make it be known. Nothing ventured nothing gained.


Good luck.

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Why don’t you just tell her how you feel?


Just be honest, if you crash and burn then so be it. At least be man enough to be honest about it.


I don't think its wise (or manly) to be vomiting out feelings to someone when you have no clue if they are feeling the same way back. Being rejected to go n a date with him is far less ego crushing then spilling your guts and then being shot down.


I don't think anyone should be telling anyone how they "feel" if they are going in blind.

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A compliment is telling her that she'd look lovely no matter which photo she chose. But you simply asked to help her choose one photo from a batch. Nothing you did requires a thank you....or any acknowledgement at all.

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