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Are there any success stories for couples who went through a separation after an A. Did you reconcile or did it lead right to divorce? I guess what I am trying to ask is, is a separation a healthy choice to make to rebuild the marriage? Right now I am the only one who wants to reconcile, she wants to move out.

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I don't know anyone personally who has survived a trial separation.


In fact, I honestly believe that the concept of "separation" is oftentimes a WS tactic employed in order to ease the BS through the trauma of divorce, just a gambit for amicable transitioning.


I know there are ALOT of people who would disagree with that. And although I do recognize the need for two people to put distance between themselves when their interactions have become severely negative, I just don't see the point of it as a tool to save marriages. It's more likely to end up being the first step in the divorce process. :(


I can't speak for any but myself, but I would never agree to it. If I had to go to all the trouble of revamping my ENTIRE LIFE in order to accomodate my spouse's "need for space", as well as his desire to explore his romantic interest in someone else....I wouldn't want him back. That kind of rejection would have just hurt me too much. I'd have had to move on past the hurt.


For me, the only two viable choices are to either commit to the marriage, or end it in divorce. I'm afraid I don't have any middle ground on that.


Maybe it's time to start exploring your legal options. (????) :confused:

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Hello, I am new here but I have some insight to offer in the form of my own experience with separation and divorce.


My ex and I separated and eventually divorced after 8 years of marriage (we have a 7 year old son who we share custody of). I personally feel that separation is the kiss of death.


I recommend you seek legal counsel, especially if any lil' ones are involved. Don't try to ironman this either. Trust me, you will need help and please dont hesitate to get it.

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I don't know anyone personally who has survived a trial separation.

I agree LJ14...I was married for 3 yrs then had a 8 month seperation and I files for divorce after that....i would think that a seperation would only occur if really something MAJOR is wrong so a lot would end in divorce. But i'm sure there are exceptions....

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